• NeuromancerM
    -16 months ago

    The government switch is a lie.

    You’ve had many people leave the democrats because they sent their jobs overseas. The democrats found out slavery was legal in other countries and started shipping those jobs.

    Nothing will stop th democrats from their abusive use of labor.

      • @jimbolauski@lemm.ee
        -16 months ago

        Here is a partial list ( there were alot of dems that voted no and I got lazy) of racists democrats that voted against the civil rights act of 1964 and when they stopped being reps/senators.  If the parties switched these guys wouldn’t be representing the racists democrats up to 2010.

        George William Andrews 1972 Robert Emmett Jones 1972 Armistead Selden 1968 Wilbur Mills 1976 James Trimble 1966 Robert Sikes 1978 Charles Edward Bennett 1992 Dante Fascell 1992 Paul Rogers 1978 Don Fuqua 1986 Sam Gibbons 1996 George Hagan 1972 Phillip Landrum 1976 Robert Stephens 1976 William Natcher 1994 Joseph Waggonner 1978 Otto Passman 1976 Gillis Long 1986 Jamie Whitten 1994 Lawrence Fountain 1982 David Newton Henderson 1976 Roy Taylor 1976 Joseph Evins 1976 John Patman 1976 Herbert Roberts 1980 Olin Teague 1978 William Poage 1978 James Claude Wright 1989 Grand Wizard Robert Byrd 2010 James Eastland 1978 Sam Ervin 1974 Russell B. Long 1987 John L. McClellan 1977 John Jackson Sparkman 1979 John C. Stennis 1989 Herman Talmadge 1981

        • PizzaMan
          06 months ago

          voted against the civil rights act of 1964

          Clearly you didn’t pay attention in history class when they were discussing the southern strategy, and when it took place.

          If the parties switched these guys wouldn’t be representing the racists democrats up to 2010.

          If the parties hadn’t switched, it’d be the democrats flying confederate flags. Instead it’s the republicans.

          Why the fuck would the republicans be flying democratic flags?

          • NeuromancerM
            -16 months ago

            Nobody is flying confederate flags. lol. Jesus.

            People fly the flag for southern pride. Your own links confirms that. The majority feel that way.

            This contrasted with polling[52] conducted Morning Consult and Politico right after the George Floyd incident, which showed nearly the opposite - 44 percent of saw the Confederate flag as symbol of Southern pride, and 36 percent saw it as racist.[53]

            • PizzaMan
              26 months ago

              Nobody is flying confederate flags. lol. Jesus.


              This contrasted with polling[52] conducted Morning Consult and Politico right after the George Floyd incident, which showed nearly the opposite - 44 percent of saw the Confederate flag as symbol of Southern pride, and 36 percent saw it as racist.[53]

              Cherypicking is fun

              The Confederate flag is a controversial symbol for many Americans today. A 2011 Pew Research Center poll revealed that 30% of Americans had a “negative reaction” when “they saw the Confederate flag displayed.”[46] According to the same poll, 9% of Americans had a positive reaction. A majority (58%) did not react. Among black Americans, 41% had a negative reaction, 10% had a positive reaction, and 45% did not. A similar poll taken in 2015 revealed little change from 2011.[47]

              In an October 2013 YouGov poll, a plurality (38%) of those polled disapproved of displaying the flag in public places.[48] In the same poll, a plurality (44%) of those asked viewed the flag as a symbol of racism, with 24% viewing it as exclusively racist and 20% viewing it as both racist and symbolic of pride in the region. 35% viewed it exclusively as a symbol of regional pride.[48]

              In a national survey in 2015 across all races, 57% of Americans believed that the Confederate flag represented Southern pride rather than racism. A similar poll in 2000 had a nearly identical result of 59%. However, poll results from only the South yielded a completely different result: 75% of Southern whites described the flag as a symbol of pride. Conversely, 75% of Southern blacks said the flag symbolized racism.[49]

              Another poll, administered by Economist / YouGov after racially motivated violence in Charleston in August 2017, showed that by a 5% margin – 43% to 38% – the Confederate Flag was viewed as a symbol of southern pride rather than racism. However, participants of color were 32% more likely than their white neighbors to see it as a sign of racism.[50]

              In July 2020, over a month after the George Floyd incident, Quinnipiac released a poll[51] showing that the majority of both Southerners and Americans in general now viewed the Confederate flag as a racist symbol rather than one of heritage, with 55% of Southerners associating the Confederate flag with racism compared to 36% who said the flag a symbol of Southern pride. Closely followed were Americans in general, 56% of whom said the flag was a symbol of racism, with 35% saying it was a symbol of southern pride.

              This contrasted with polling[52] conducted Morning Consult and Politico right after the George Floyd incident, which showed nearly the opposite - 44 percent of saw the Confederate flag as symbol of Southern pride, and 36 percent saw it as racist.

              • NeuromancerM
                -16 months ago

                That isn’t the confederate flag. That’s the confederate battle flag. How many times does this have to be explained to you ?

                • PizzaMan
                  16 months ago

                  Meanings can and have changed. How many times does this have to be explained to you?

                  • NeuromancerM
                    -16 months ago

                    I am not sure why you are being rude. I don’t agree with you. It’s that simple. I understand the concept but I think you are wrong. You have not made a compelling argument and then have liberal tears because people don’t agree with you. Maybe you need to reflect on why people don’t agree with you.

        • NeuromancerM
          06 months ago

          I had two history teachers that were active in their parties. The democrat preached the parties switched. The republican showed how they never changed. It’s a myth. Yet the democrats want to white wash history.

          • @PeepinGoodArgs@reddthat.com
            06 months ago

            …what are you doing, Winter? We’ve been over this. I have the receipts to prove to you using your source that the parties switched.

            It’s really weird how y’all just don’t face facts…

            • @jimbolauski@lemm.ee
              -16 months ago

              I’d love to see those receipts. Do they include the grand wizard robert byrd lifelong racists Democrat who served until 2010? How about segregationist joe biden?

              Did you miss the wall of democrats that were against the civil rights act of 1964, they faithfully represented their party into the 80s 90s and 2000s. The only thing that could stop them was old age.

              • @PeepinGoodArgs@reddthat.com
                16 months ago

                Here they are!

                We do discuss that the transition took time.

                The fact of the matter is that the parties switched. That it took time is not the issue. You and Winter are insisting that the switch never happened, which is 100% false.

                • @jimbolauski@lemm.ee
                  06 months ago

                  That’s not much of a receipt.

                  You showed a list of 13 reps and senators that switched from Democrat to Republican but only 1 voted against the civil rights act. You provided no evidence as to why they switched or that they are racists. The rest of the racists democrats (over 60) that voted against civil rights act stayed democrats their whole life.

                  The grand wizard Robert Byrd represented democrats until his death in 2010. If a devout leader of the Klan is comfortable as a democrat his whole life the racists democrat ideology never left.

                  • NeuromancerM
                    06 months ago

                    That is the whole argument of the switched party myth that is was done out of racism.

                    The article says the parties evolved and changed but there was never a switch over racism. Democrats are still racist.

              • NeuromancerM
                -36 months ago

                Yes, I like to take my information from a random person named Mr. Beat on youtube. lol… You are exactly why your generation is struggling and crying about Elon Musk.

                • PizzaMan
                  6 months ago

                  Yeah, because you’re so much better with your boomer ifunny memes, and prageru oil propaganda.

                  And Mr. Beat is a history teacher. Scary I know.

                  • NeuromancerM
                    -26 months ago

                    Trying to get it to a level you can understand. It’s a myth. Democrats are still racist as they’ve always been.

          • NeuromancerM
            -26 months ago

            Nobody is flying a Confederate flag. I have never seen anyone fly a confederate flag.

              • NeuromancerM
                -16 months ago

                Who has ever flown the Confederate flag? Or are you just ignorant of history and think the battle flag is THE confederate flag? You never disappoint in how little you know.

                Southerners fly it for Southern pride. It’s been a thing for a very long time. I don’t get it but it isn’t my flag.

                • PizzaMan
                  36 months ago

                  Or are you just ignorant of history and think the battle flag is THE confederate flag? You never disappoint in how little you know.

                  I’ve already explained this to you. It seems beyond your abilities to understand, but I’ll give you one more chance.

                  Yes, it is technically just a battle flag. But that’s not how it’s used, that’s not what it CURRENTLY represents. The meanings of things can change and have changed. Shocking I know.

                  Said flag now represents the confederacy, who’s proposed was to protect the institution of slavery.

                  Racist republicans are quite ok with that though, because they always have the excuse that it’s their heritage or southern pride or some other bullshit excuse for their blatant support for racism.

                  Southerners fly it for Southern pride.

                  Yeah, and people fly nazi flags because they’re just trying to represent their German heritage. Get a grip.

                  • NeuromancerM
                    -26 months ago

                    It still represents southern pride. You don’t get to define the symbol anyway you want.