• NeuromancerM
    -16 months ago

    That isn’t the confederate flag. That’s the confederate battle flag. How many times does this have to be explained to you ?

    • PizzaMan
      16 months ago

      Meanings can and have changed. How many times does this have to be explained to you?

      • NeuromancerM
        -16 months ago

        I am not sure why you are being rude. I don’t agree with you. It’s that simple. I understand the concept but I think you are wrong. You have not made a compelling argument and then have liberal tears because people don’t agree with you. Maybe you need to reflect on why people don’t agree with you.

        • PizzaMan
          16 months ago

          I am not sure why you are being rude

          I’m treating you exactly how you treat me. Want me to treat you better? Fix your attitude.

          I understand the concept but I think you are wrong. You have not made a compelling argument and then have liberal tears because people don’t agree with you. Maybe you need to reflect on why people don’t agree with you

          This is what’s known as projection.

          • NeuromancerM
            -26 months ago

            This is what’s known as projection. Not at all. You are just wrong even backed by your own citation. I get why you struggle in life and isn’t Elon.

            • PizzaMan
              26 months ago

              Why are you so obsessed with Elon? I never even brought him up?

              I’m sorry, but Elon isn’t going to message you back or return your love.

              • NeuromancerM
                -36 months ago

                You’ve brought up Elon many times with your crocodile tears about him being a billionaire. Or are you suddenly ok with billionaires ?

                • PizzaMan
                  26 months ago

                  You’ve brought up Elon many times

                  I’ve never brought him up. IIRC all mentions of him were either started by you or Throaway.

                  crocodile tears about him being a billionaire

                  Any crying that you perceive isn’t on my side.

                  Or are you suddenly ok with billionaires ?

                  No. Nor did I allude to a yes. Quit trying to put words in people’s mouths with accusations that are thinly veiled as questions. It’s so childish.

                  • NeuromancerM
                    -46 months ago

                    Yes, you have whined and cried about Elon. It’s so unfair that he worked hard and became a success. Billionaire tears.