In a scathing op-ed, LGBTQ Nation Heroes nominee Melissa Gira Grant urges us to ask ourselves how we didn’t see someone like Johnson coming…

    346 months ago

    Some of us did! I’ve been screaming about the dangers of the religion I grew up in and the aims of many-most of its followers for a decade or more.

    Anyone ever hear about See You At The Poll? It was a movement that took place in middle and high schools in the early 00’s that was little more than about young Christian’s rising up with the goal of “reclaiming” the United States for Christ. The Poll in the name isn’t about voting, it’s about gathering around the US flag poll at the schools we attended and praying “that God would deliver this nation into his hands” which also served as a show of force to US government officials that there were scores of young people that wanted a Christian government.

    That’s just scratching the surface of how politically motivated the religious right has been for the past 30-35ish years

    • kase
      136 months ago

      I helped organize see you at the pole at my high school. Those were… different times for me :/

      06 months ago

      And some of us were pretty upset that the Dems helped out dickheads like Gaetz in ousting a turd like Mccarthy thinking that they wouldn’t manage to choose someone worse than him.

      • Billiam
        126 months ago

        First, the Dems are under no obligation to keep the GOP from looking like the fascist shitheads they are. Republicans moved to remove McCarthy, and Republicans voted to remove him. It’s not the Democrats’ fault if the GOP use their majority to put someone worse as Speaker.

        Second, it doesn’t matter whether Johnson is more or less evil than McCarthy as long as he isn’t more effective. He has the same problem McCarthy had- a slim-margin majority that is split between vice-signalling performative fascists, and vice-signalling performative fascists in districts that Biden won. They’re already coming off the least productive Congressional year in history, and that plus this being an election year combined with still simmering anger over the removal of Roe will just drive that wedge deeper.

        Johnson can be as whiny a Christofascist as he wants. He ain’t getting shit done before the next election.

          -26 months ago

          I generally agree and he’ll probably just be the whiny christofascist he’s been so far, but he’s 2nd in line for the fucking presidency. And it was mostly democrats who actually voted out the speaker. Which helped Gaetz off all people.

          Now that the rule is in place to only take one member to call for his ouster, I wonder how little Johnson has to do to lose 5 or whatever R’s and be out like McCarthy.

        -66 months ago

        This, and also after they ousted him, instead of trying to win over some of the more “moderate” Republicans by agreeing to vote for one of the least of the evils and hopefully get some actual work done in the House, they just grinned smugly at every photo op and toed the party line until they got Johnson and then all made shocked Pikachu faces. They’ve made little effort to improve the situation. It’s insane that they get paid hundreds of thousands of dollars a year to slowly tear apart the flawed system instead of trying to fix it.