A screenshot from a Call of Duty level where you have to defend Woking Pizza Express until MI5 can wipe Jimmy Savile’s hard drive

  • InevitableSwing [none/use name]
    10 months ago

    It’s the feathers

    Now I want Steven Seagal to be in a movie called Feather in His Cap where he wears a beret with a feather that’s more ridiculous than the ones in the photo. The entire plot of the movie is he goes from place to place and once somebody makes fun of him he says “Did you just make fun of my feather in my cap?” and then he fights that guy and about six of his friends.

    Via clever editing and obvious CGI - his very fat action hero ass beats them all to a pulp. He only gets very minor injuries. And then it’s on to the next town and the next beat down.



    TIL - it’s called a hackle.


    The hackle is a clipped plume or short spray of coloured feathers that is attached to a military headdress, with different colours being associated with particular regiments.