The venue has a reputation for being…shit (they booked Gavin McIness on one of his little tours a while back). Each year, someone in my city puts on a metal fest there and lots of nazi bands from Europe come over and play, and apparently openly fascist shit is sold at the merch booths.

Last year I emailed the local city council about it. They were useless. Right now, I’m about to email the music section of my local big paper about it, AND OFFER RECIEPTS (since I can easily compile a good amount of evidence of nazism) to see if they wanna shed some light on it.

What else can I do short of adventure-time ?

  • ElGosso [he/him]
    7 months ago

    Get local inspectors up their asses. Do they sell food? Call the Health Department and tell em you saw a rat there, or that you saw black mold. Stuff like that. Call the state liquor board or whatever you have and tell em you saw them serving someone who was clearly underage. Every business fucks around with this kinda stuff so you just gotta cast a wide enough net.