I’m trying to learn more about the Russia/Ukraine conflict. In the articles that I find that seem to be critical of Ukraine, there are a few that are right wing that seem to have similar viewpoints as what I’ve read on here or in the more leftist articles.

For example this piece from National Interest, or this from the CATO institute.

There are others that aren’t flagged as right wing that are critical, but it’s just got me wondering, why would right wing politicians/publications perceive these things similarly to how some communists would when the ideologies of both are so extremely opposite?

Disclaimer: I’m not pro-ukraine at all, but in my search for info that’s not super pro-Ukraine propaganda, this is the stuff that comes up for me

  • oktherebuddy [he/him]
    3710 months ago

    “You can only attribute to me specific string of words I typed in a specific order, not things that immediately follow from the ideas I expressed”

    • @Lemvi
      110 months ago

      All I said is that there are similiarities between fascists and communists.

      That does in no way imply that critizising NATO is authoritarian.

      Honestly its quite the opposite, authoritarianism is when you are not allowed to criticize, while democracy lives of critizism and discussion.

      In terms of logic: A implying B is not the same as B implying A. Authoritarians often criticize NATO (A->B). But that does not mean everyone criticizing NATO is an authoritarian (which would be B->A).

      I’m sorry you clumsy attempt at a strawman failed, maybe it would help to find some actual arguments.