Former democratic party activists are organizing Muslims and Arab-Americans in Swing states to vote against Biden with the demand that he support a ceasefire in Gaza.

I’ll allow them a little bit of electoralism this time.

  • synae[he/him]
    1 year ago

    Why did you zoom in on the “completely unwilling to stand for abortion right, trans rights, and debt forgiveness” part, but completely ignore the “Biden has Trump beat on deportations, police funding, military funding” part?

    I didn’t ignore it to be purposefully obtuse or willfully ignorant. Sorry if it came off that way. Perhaps I should have addressed that specifically; poor communication on my part. Also I know I’ve said it somewhere/elsewhere in the thread, but I’m not here to defend Biden or the Dems.

    The reason I didn’t address that part directly is because I agree with your assessment and conclusion on those matters. I focused on the other parts because I see those as part of the few differentiators between the parties.

    false alliance is worse than outright hostility

    This is an interesting point and one I’ll carry with me. Thanks.

    Really? An entire country with every liberal and leftist org united against Trump and the only opposition would be verbal? And I thought I was a doomer

    I mean, what happened last time? We spent four years screaming about all the bullshit he and his allies (and/or those that saw his shitstorm as useful cover for their own agenda) and what was the effect? I really believe it was harmful even; emboldening him, his allies, and the next wave of republicans emulating his style on the national stage.

    We can have a doomer-measuring contest if that’s what you’re into :)

    Because your vote strengthens the Ratchet Effect

    I’ve never heard that phrase, usually heard it called “shifting the overton window” but I do like the graphic. I guess it places more focus on the action and actors than the nebulous “general political climate”.

    So, with our ratchet, isn’t it helpful to stop turning the crank? Isn’t it worthwhile to cast a ballot or two if it keeps from moving a notch?

    I’d also add that I’m not saying casting a vote is the only action to take – and I’m not saying that you’re saying this about my position, either. But I’m picking up the impression throughout this thread that maybe folks think I’m only in favor voting and no additional action, which is not the case. Anyway, just something I thought I’d clarify.

    voting FOR is doing the same or worse things than the person you’re voting AGAINST

    Maybe this is where the disconnect is. In the sum total, I see one pile of shit to be slightly smaller than the other. That’s part of why I focused on the differentiating aspects between the parties that you mentioned.