Sowing confusion to deflect blame is Tel Aviv’s usual propaganda strategy.

  • queermunist she/her
    9 months ago

    Good for you, condemning all sides from your ivory tower so you can maintain moral purity.

    So! What do you think Hamas should have done? Vote? Start a petition? Post about it on X?

      39 months ago

      Are you trying to suggest that Hamas were some how justified in intentionally killing innocent civilians?

      Not having an answer doesn’t mean you can’t condemn both sides in this.

        9 months ago

        Are you trying to suggest that Hamas were some how justified

        I can’t speak for the person you were responding to… but yes - Hamas (and every other organisation Palestinians choose to support) has every goddamn right to fight Israel in whatever way that works. And no… I am in no way suggesting that - I’m stating it outright.

            29 months ago

            Israel has been doing tons of that since 1949 - where were you and the rest of the pearl-clutchers all this time?

              29 months ago

              Not advocating for the slaughtering of innocent civilians, because I’m not a monster.

                39 months ago

                And offering nothing but slap-on-the-wrist apologetics for Israel’s decades-old genocide while demonising Palestinians when they fight back makes you (somehow) less of a monster?

              19 months ago

              I don’t see here where anyone is trying to justify Israel. They’re wrong. So are Hamas. It’s that simple.

                09 months ago

                I don’t see here where anyone is trying to justify Israel

                Here… you dropped some of your pro-Israel “both-side-ism” tropes - let me point it out for you.

                Advocating for the slaughtering of innocent civilians is disgusting.

                -49 months ago

                When you are trying to accuse someone of supporting the slaughtering civilians, and they aren’t supporting Israel in this particular conflict, then by definition they aren’t supporting the slaughtering of innocent civilians.

                On the other hand, if you are criticizing Hamas for attacking valid Israeli targets in their fight for freedom, you are implicitly supporting the slaughter of civilians. i.e. you support the fact that Israel regularly bombs hospitals and evacuation routes.

          -39 months ago

          You’re entitled to your opinion. I do wonder if it would change if it was your mum or brother or some other loved one that gets killed while minding their own business but whatever. In your mind, Hamas would be justified for it.

            69 months ago

            I do wonder if it would change if it was your mum or brother or some other loved one that gets killed while minding their own business

            I am perfectly capable of understanding the point of view of a person who has had their entire family and/or community murdered, imprisoned or forced to flee - but having that happen to one over and over again for almost 80 years while privileged scum runs interference for the perpetrators because it’s simply more convenient to swallow the well-funded propaganda… that stretches the limits of even my imagination.

      • queermunist she/her
        9 months ago

        Not having an answer doesn’t mean you can’t condemn both sides in this.

        It actually does, because it means you’re just playing pretend instead of grappling with the world as it actually exists.

        So shut up 😘

    • Sneaky Bastard
      -39 months ago

      I dunno they could like try to negotiate and settle on something else then the complete extermination of all Israelis and Jews, just an idea

        79 months ago

        Firstly, Palestinian representatives including Hamas have tried to come to the negotiating table, ever since the beginning. The response from Israel is bombing runs, artillery fire, and bad faith claims that Hamas will not negotiate.

        Secondly, Palestinians do not want to exterminate anyone, they simply want to be free. The extermination/genocide thing is common myth presented by settlers who can’t imagine anything but genocide, as it’s how their own society has been built, and they project this on to all other societies.

        79 months ago

        Riiight… let’s justify an actual and ongoing genocide by hiding behind an alleged one that doesn’t exist.

        Why does this sound so familiar? Oh, right… it’s the exact same “reverse genocide” trope the Apartheid-regime hid behind so long.

        • Sneaky Bastard
          -29 months ago

          Alleged genocide? Hamas isnt even hiding that their biggest goal is to eradicate Israel and all Jews living there. They openly say it since they came into existence. Their goal in the war they started now was to kill as many people (doesnt matter if they were civilians or even foreigners) as possible. What is alleged here? Its all official.

          On the other hand, Israel’s goal is to kill Hamas, not civilians (even if edgelords on the internet wont see it that way and will scream apartheid and genocide without even know what that means), but that’s pretty hard to do when they’re cowardly hiding behind children.

            9 months ago

            Alleged genocide?

            Yes, Clyde… an alleged genocide - you know, the one that only exists in your white supremacism-addled mind? You know… unlike the very real genocide Israel has been perpetrating since 1949? Complete with applause from fascist garbage-peddlers like you?

            Israel’s goal is to kill Hamas, not civilians

            Riiiiight… and I suppose next you’ll be telling me the Nazis were only targeting “Jewish-Bolshevism” and not all Jewish people, eh fascist?

            • Sneaky Bastard
              09 months ago

              WTF im a nazi because unlike you i dont support a terror organization? TF is wrong with you people.

      • queermunist she/her
        9 months ago

        And how do they force Israel to negotiate?

        Israel won’t negotiate with peaceful protestors and won’t negotiate with hostage takers and won’t negotiate with passive captives. Just an idea, but maybe Israel is the one at fault for there being no negotiations.