EDIT: no, I don’t sympathize with nazis (neither I sympathize with those who call everyone nazi when they’re losing an argument ;)

    • @mounderfod
      41 year ago

      Idk where the homophobia is, I’m partial to sucking the odd dick myself, just not Mao Zedong or Vladimir Putin :p

      • ProfessorOwl_PhD [any]
        121 year ago

        “umm actually I used it as an insult because it’s a good thing!”

        How do you people survive the cognitive dissonance necessary to convince yourself you’re not being bigoted?

        • @mounderfod
          11 year ago

          “you people”?

          Besides, I’m not bigoted because I disagree with your ideology, my way of pointing that out may have been hyperbolic but certainly not bigoted

          • ProfessorOwl_PhD [any]
            31 year ago

            Yeah, you people, people who used homophobic insults about dick sucking but insist it’s ok because they’re gay/bi/have an LGBT friend.

            I agree that you’re not bigoted because you disagree with our ideology, but you are definitely bigoted for using bigoted insults to point it out.