• FlashMobOfOne
        3811 months ago

        These same people couldn’t go three weeks without a haircut in 2020. There are some who’ll shoot someone over a pride flag, but not enough to fight a war. They’d be begging to surrender the first time their grocery order doesn’t arrive.

        • @pinkdrunkenelephants@sopuli.xyz
          11 months ago

          Actually American gun owners have about 78-157 billion bullets stockpiled between them, most of them right-wing. They regularly train with their weapons and have made this second civil war into an important aspect of their culture. A lot of them believe it’s the end times because the book of revelations talks of brother turning against brother.

          The left is actually woefully untrained and outmatched, and that’s because of years of nonviolence being browbeaten over their heads and used to propagandize them to do nothing to meaningfully advance any of their causes. The left was fattened up with decades of propaganda and are now ready for the slaughter.

          So is the right, really. The only ones who are going to win this coming civil war are the BRICS countries.

          • @Bytemeister@lemmy.world
            3111 months ago

            Yes, they have a lot of guns. On the other hand, we’ve had to tell them, at least twice in my lifetime, not to drink bleach to cure diseases.

            They won’t last a week.

            • @pinkdrunkenelephants@sopuli.xyz
              -311 months ago

              They’re really, really not as stupid as you think and underestimating them to make yourself feel better will only result in suffering for you and yours. It’s enabled them to do so much damage already.

              If they’re really so stupid, how did they manage to pack the courts and get abortion banned? Get Trump elected?

              • @Bytemeister@lemmy.world
                1811 months ago

                I’d say there are more gun-owning Democrats than there are critically thinking Republicans. Trump voters are the kind of people that fall for Nigerian prince email scams…twice.

              • @ImmortanStalin@lemmygrad.ml
                1011 months ago

                You’re confusing normal Americans with the owners of the country. Also, plenty of militant leftists are armed in the US and not all gun owners are crazy fascists.

              • @nilloc@discuss.tchncs.de
                611 months ago

                The ones that think they can win a civil war are pretty fucking dumb. They do have a lot of weaponry though and that is something we should be concerned about and needs to be acted on.

                A bunch of Dems arming up isn’t the answer though. We need to make sure the war mongers don’t get back in charge and we need to keep hunting down the dangerous threats and arresting there asses.

          • @sfgifz@lemmy.world
            11 months ago

            I’ve seen enough Doomsday Peppers to know that these “prepared” right wingers will be gasping for breath on the floor when it actually comes time to run and do something physically strenuous. Fat fucks couldn’t even breath through a thin mask, their brain cells are the only thing they’ll slaughter due to lack of oxygen.

            • Catasaur
              -2411 months ago

              That’s what you hope. The reality is that they’re armed and militant, and people will be shocked when they start going door to door.

              • @SnowdenHeroOfOurTime@unilem.org
                1511 months ago

                Are you confusing Y’all Quaeda with the Gestapo? Wtf. Even if 100 militias somehow defied everything we’ve been seeing for decades and somehow evaded getting caught early in the planning phase due to the surveillance state, what makes you think anything they’d do wouldn’t be shut down by military police within a week?

                It sounds almost like you’re getting off on a weird horror fantasy from a super shitty movie.

                • Catasaur
                  -711 months ago

                  The denial about encroaching fascism makes about as much sense as denying climate change.

                  • @pinkdrunkenelephants@sopuli.xyz
                    -311 months ago

                    A lot of the people brigading are actually alt-right dipshits from other servers. Some are left-wingers in denial … and when this thing blows up next year, they might die. :(

            • @pinkdrunkenelephants@sopuli.xyz
              11 months ago

              Statistical averages are, however. 47% of Americans own a gun. They have on average 500-1000 bullets on hand at any one time, enough for one or two trips to their gun ranges, which totals up to 78 to 157 billion bullets.

              Just because you are insulted when faced with the fact that the left is woefully unprepared for that does not make it not true. Reality does not bend to your wishes.

              You can either accept the facts as I present them to you and prepare yourself, or when this whole thing blows up next year, suffer. Your choice.

              • @Apex_Fail@lemmy.world
                1811 months ago

                As a left leaning individual with multiple firearms and plenty of ammunition for them, might want to consider there are plenty of us are part of that 47%.

                Obviously a sample bias, but quite a few fellow veterans that I went to college with could put my meager collection to shame and share similar viewpoints.

                That being said, your doomer outlook and gross oversimplification/assumptions are a joke. There will be no civil war, assholes will continue to be assholes, and you are still making this shit up as you type. Most of these Meal Team 6, cosplaying motherfuckers are too chickenshit to have an altercation where they aren’t the only one with the scary broomstick, and 99% of the blowhards wouldn’t last a day in an actual combat scenario let alone a “war”.

                Bigots are bigots and will constantly attempt to suppress that which doesn’t align with their narrow minded worldview, however a civil war is not on the horizon… JFC get over yourself.

                • @TwoWeebles@midwest.social
                  11 months ago

                  I think liberal gun owners have 1. A much better grasp of the first rule of fight club, 2. Don’t have a fetish about what amounts to a tool.

                • @pinkdrunkenelephants@sopuli.xyz
                  -511 months ago

                  There’s no real evidence to substantiate that claim, but a whole lot of right wingers are open about their gun ownership. Which I agree is stupid, but that’s just how reality is.

                  Some sauce:

                  Perhaps unsurprisingly, there is a stark partisan divide in gun ownership. About 44% of adults who identify as Republican or lean Republican say they own a gun, while just 20% of those who identify as Democrat or lean Democrat say they do, according to Pew.

                  Where a person lives also plays a role. The Pew survey found that 46% of those who lived in rural areas said they owned a gun, while only 28% of suburbanites and 19% of city dwellers owned a gun. The Northeast has the lowest rates of gun ownership at 16%, while roughly a third of people in the South, Midwest and West report personally owning a gun.

                  So clearly right wingers are twice as likely to own guns as left wingers, meaning they will likeky win a civil war when it comes down to it, and given what they want, you can’t afford to continue being in denial about this. Your life is at stake here.

              • prole
                811 months ago

                And you think all of that 47% are not only right-leaning, but crazy enough to use those firearms to murder people unprovoked?

                • @pinkdrunkenelephants@sopuli.xyz
                  -411 months ago

                  I know so. I used to be a centrist who ran with them for several years, so I know their ways and habits, and how and what they think. They are just waiting for some kind of signal to start, and that signal will likely be Trump going to jail or being barred from the presidency under the Constitution upon conviction.

              • @SupraMario@lemmy.world
                311 months ago

                500-1k rounds is nothing. Most of us have usually 10-20k rounds. 500 rounds is what I burn through in a range day. Hell I’ve got probably 50k 22lr at this point alone. And that’s just for plinking. 9mm/308/x39/556/54r/20g/12g/45 combined that’s probably another 40k rounds.

                Most of us buy in bulk, ammo isn’t cheap, so when deals come around you buy as much as you can afford.

                So I’d say your estimates are on the low end.

                  • @SupraMario@lemmy.world
                    211 months ago

                    Huh? Having ammo doesn’t make anything worse. People have been stock piling it for decades now. Ammo doesn’t expire if it’s properly stored. I don’t see how having it magically makes anything worse.

              • @ArthurParkerhouse@lemm.ee
                111 months ago

                It kinda sounds like you listened to the original run of the “It Could Happen Here” podcast series a few too many times. It could happen here, but the probability of it sparking is very low, and even then the probability of that spark growing beyond anything more than localized/isolated incidents is even lower.

            • @pinkdrunkenelephants@sopuli.xyz
              11 months ago

              Oh look, found an antifascist. Yeah, you guys are way too little in number to really be able to do anything about them and you guys know it. There is over a hundred million of them armed to the teeth and a few thousand of you, tops.

              Look in the thread. A lot of these motherfuckers even deny that a second civil war is starting or has been going on. They cling too closely to their narrative that it’s just hopelessly misguided brainwashed chumps committing random acts of violence instead of seeing it for what it really is: a collective act from a fascist political faction, and they cling to it because letting it go would send them down a spiral of fear because they cannot cope with the very real possibility they’ll likely die at the hands of one of those cultists unless they change their perceptions and prepare.

              So what makes you think you’ll get the manpower to really stop the right? Can you convince enough left wingers that using violence against those scumfucks is okay in time? Can you convince the denialists in the thread to change their minds?

              • @ArthurParkerhouse@lemm.ee
                611 months ago

                The right seems to be blinded by the thought that the US Military would support them, but luckily the modern US military would never support any side of a civil war and would simply squash any serious attempt of a fascist rebellion. What are they even going to be able to do? They can’t shoot down drones with their AR-15s.

                • @pinkdrunkenelephants@sopuli.xyz
                  11 months ago

                  Actually a lot of veterans are right wingers and right wing regulatory capture is so extensive, including in the military, that some of it would, in fact, help them. But not one inch of it would help the left, in fact, all of it would only harm them under guise of keeping order like they did back in the 2020 uprising.

                  • @ArthurParkerhouse@lemm.ee
                    411 months ago

                    They would quash any serious attempt at civil war or revolt of or between any political extreme in order to maintain the current status quo. The government and the military are both owned by the corporate class. The left is a very very small minority in the US and they don’t even have a mainstream political influence or party. The US just has the socially liberal right-of-center Democrat party and the far-right conservative Republican party.

              • prole
                011 months ago

                Imagine speaking derisively about anti-fascism. That kind of makes your a fascist.

                • @pinkdrunkenelephants@sopuli.xyz
                  111 months ago

                  Imagine calling yourself an antifascist while refusing to acknowledge basic and obvious problems your group has that can and will be exploited by the right wing when they snap and try to kill you all next year.

                  Could you possibly stop being arrogant for five minutes and genuinely look at the situation objectively?

          • @Tenesto@citizensgaming.com
            111 months ago

            Right wing gun owners average BMI is like 40+

            All the guns in the world won’t help you win a war if you can barely walk a mile without getting winded.

          • @Asafum@feddit.nl
            211 months ago


            While I agree that is what should happen, there is literally nothing about current day Democrats that makes me think they’ll actually take the hard stance and punish people for their actions. We’ll have Biden or whoever is in charge at the time saying some bullshit “we need to heal now. We’ve been though rough times, let’s welcome our neighbors back home. Blah blah blah no repercussions other than for the ring leaders.”