Anyone else read this? The arrogance is palpable.

  • GreenPlasticSushiGrass
    121 year ago

    Here are my takeaways. Correct me if I’m wrong.

    1. Third party apps monetized Reddit better than Reddit did by actually making a profit, and spez seems pretty butthurt about it and wants it to stop.
    2. Third party apps have better accessibility options, but jeez, guys, they’re working on it and you’ll have better accessibility!
    3. Third party apps offer a better experience for the mods and users that use them, but jeez, c’mon! They’re working on that, too! Besides, look at all of these casual users who don’t care about that stuff!
    • Futs
      21 year ago

      It’s hard to make a feature rich app with good accessibility features and a proper user experience when those aren’t your priorities, but instead drown it in adds and focus on how to make money from it.

    • This is the richest part of all of it. They’re taking tools away from people with no time frame for replacements. I’ve been using Reddit for 16 years and the only things I’ve ever seen them ship are new Reddit, rewards, premium, and avatars. The fact that it’s 2023 and they have accessibility issues is appalling. If they can’t handle screen readers then mod tools ain’t coming.