• Hotznplotzn
    2 days ago

    Another disgusting remark by a person as ignorant as his government. In 2023, when Lu Shaye was Chinese ambassador to France, he said that “ex-Soviet Union countries do not have the effective status because there is no international agreement to materialize their status of a sovereign country”. This includes Ukraine, as we know.

    The fact that such as person is now “special envoy for European affairs” must only be seen as a provocation by the government in Beijing, a war-mongering government that is bullying more or less all its Asian neighbors like India, Buthan, Nepal, the Philippines, just to name a few.

    We must note, of course, that China is a decisive enabler of Russia’s war in Ukraine, an aggression from which it greatly benefits. This is not limited to, but includes its intended war with Taiwan which it calls “reunification.” It may also be easier for China to get a chunk of Siberia from Russia to create what Beijing calls the “Arctic silk road”. Later in 2024, for example, there was even a video circulating that shows how China should conquer parts of Siberia up to lake Baikal.

    China is also already “investing” in illegally occupied territories in Ukraine. Chinese companies are supplying equipment to mines occupied by Russia in Torez, Snizhne, and Khrestivka. Moreover, Russia is seeking to connect the highway “Rostov-on-Don — Mariupol — Melitopol — Simferopol,” which it is actively constructing, to an international transportation corridor Europe — China. Needless to say that the Kremlin is in contact with the Chinese Communist Party also on that matter (you’ll find ample evidence about this on the web).

    Lu Shaye and his government are arguing in bad faith. The least thing they have in mind is the well-being of Europeans. Or the well-being of anyone, not even of the people in the own country. It’s a regime pursuing a dictatorial policy and making decisions in complete disregard of anyone and anything else.

    [Edit typo.]