The main cloud services don’t even work natively (GoogleDrive, OneDrive, iCloud) basically the only mainstream choice is Dropbox. I tried to use Google Drive in Mint, and it’s a pain to get it to work, and usually it stops working after computer restarts.

Someone has a recommendation about how to handle these services?

  • BlueSquid0741
    2 years ago

    I walk through the woods on one side of my house, there is a shovel behind some trees I’ve marked. Then I go back to my house, down the other side of my property until I get to the river. Then I dig in the river bank until I get to a plastic bag. Double wrapped of course.

    Inside the plastic bag?.. a collection of 1gb USB thumb drives and a note pad.

    In the note pad?.. an index cataloguing what is backed up on each thumb drive.

      2 years ago

      @BlueSquid0741 you worried about the flash storage degrading? or do you power them up fairly regularly?

      but the buried drives is a method I’ve seen quite often though something I would plan to do with a longer term archive probably