• 3 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • I see you’re part of the retrodeck team too, great job to you all by the way. I actively started avoiding retroarch a few years ago, and also was an early adopter of ES-DE frontend for using standalone emulators.

    I love the implementation here. I’m kind of bitter at retroarch project for personal reasons going back a way, but I use it here because your team has made it shine and would be a shame to miss out on what you’ve done. It’s excellent.

  • Yeah, the save states were there. The emulator sav were there. I normally don’t use states at all. But this was like they were fixed, they loaded a certain point and like saving wouldn’t override them. The save state function was missing completely, just gone.

    I’m not new to this. Emulating since 1996, and using Retroarch since 2011 or something. I trawled through the github tracker and I couldn’t work it out.

    After a couple days I gave up and removed both flatpak and my emulation and rom directory. Reinstalled, copied all my roms back across and started over. Everything is working. In game save is fine, doing save states as backup.

    I’m completely stumped what that update did to it, obviously didn’t happen to anyone else.

  • Last time retrodeck updated, all the emulators stopped saving, and the option to ‘save state’ disappeared.

    I had to reset the whole thing, and then play my daughters Pokémon game from the start, catching and leveling up all the same Pokemon until they were the right level at the third gym battle.

    I’ve been dreading this day.

  • I can only say, learn how to fix things. Like, everything. Because everything is going to fail at some point, and that $4000 quote to fix it doesn’t look so good.

    Rodents or possums in the ceiling, call the local pest expert for advice. They’ll usually give you that because they don’t want to come out and get in your roof stage themselves.

    Snakes? Don’t go under the house in hot weather. Keep trimming the grass/weeds close the house especially if your kids play there.

    Invasive root systems like white poplar near the house? Either have a professional kill and relive the tree, or did up the roots every time you see a shoot come up.

    Generally look around the house. Think about how each thing could fail (gutters, roofing, stairs, electrical, plumbing, paint, windows). Think of worst case scenarios for those things and what you would do if that happened. Prepare for it whether that means having the number of someone who can do it, or how you can do some DIY repairs, even if it’s temporary.

    Finally. Bush fire. Are you prepared? Do you have a plan? Do you have timeframes for doing your bush fire preparations every year? Talk to neighbours and find out their plan and see if something similar works for you. You can stay at home and fight fires, but the mental toll of doing that can be crippling and possibly never recover. My plan is for the family to leave immediately, and I gather all our important stuff and follow as soon as possible.

  • If the Firefox thing is a real pain, do consider the librewolf project, since it won’t save your session every time, but also has ublock origin already set up by default.

    Remember that even if you’re unsure some software is for you or not, just try the flatpak. One command to install, and one command to remove if you didn’t like it. Because it’s containerised you don’t need to worry about it leaving behind unused libraries or cluttering your system with leftover bits.

  • Do you need Timeshift on an opensuse system? I haven’t used Leap, but had a Tumbleweed install for years which has Snapper pre installed.

    You can install btrfs-assistant to help you manage snapper. You could have it create backups of your /home, then you can rollback if you think you’ve messed up too much.

    The firefox thing seems just firefox behaviour to me. Does it not do that in Windows? But you could use a firefox based browser that respects privacy more. Librewolf and zen browser you can install via Flathub or an appimage from their website. Librewolf at least will by default end and forget a session when you close the browser.

    (FYI - best way to deal with appimages is to install Gearlever from flathub, then when you download an appimage you open gearlever and “install” the appimage. Gearlever is just for better integrating appimages into your system but also for keeping them updated).

    My last Tumbleweed install I ran from 2019 to 2023. During this time flatpaks got a lot better and flathub got a lot more programs available. Now I use flatpaks as my first option for software, unless I think it’s something that will give me problems being containerised.

    Opensuse 1-click… you’re right, those can be a pain. You often end up adding additional repos, and it’s never fun trying to clean up the problems that come with that after a while.

    My suggestion is search for “opensuse ‘programs name’” and see if they maintain it in their repository first. (You can use Opensuse’s preinstalled Yast to search for it even to keep it simple). If no, look for it on flathub, remember to look to see when the flatpak was last built, in case it’s been unmaintained for a while. Failing that, check the developers page (usually GitHub or gitlab or similar) to see if they have recommended steps for install.

  • Going out to pubs and pointing out all the missing or lacking essential safety measures.

    Going pretty much anywhere and talking about the breaches of electrical safety requirements.

    In airports and explaining all the ways they aren’t complying with safety regulations. And now that I don’t work in an airport anymore I don’t know what to do with all that VERY specific knowledge.