Fuck I didn’t think the libs would be able to do it… There’s reactionaries posting shit like… ‘how are we wierd?’ And seemingly genuinely butthurt.
They should have been taking this strategy a long time ago instead of always acting mortified. I think chuds relish when they horrifying the people they don’t like.
They’re going to run it into the ground. That’s my prediction. I’m already seeing it on Twitter and Reddit. A bunch of
responses to every post they make that just say “gee you sure are WEIRD sir!” They found one thing that works and they’re just going to repeat it until it loses all meaning.
Idk tho when they keep showing their ass in response to it every time by pulling out absurd transphobic memes they have saved on their phone I think it might just keep working forever.
Yeah, what’s good so far is that weird is ambiguous enough to mean anything.
Ask dems how Repos are weird and theyll say some shit like ‘well, GOP says that they want secure borders and yet they keep allowing all these illegals in’
Right. I think it works best when really just used occasionally, and mostly by smaller-time actors. Harris gave a speech the other day that included a line like “and by the way, have you noticed how a lot of these guys are just plain WEIRD?” It felt unnatural and, well, weird. Waltz and people like him can deliver it convincingly because they can talk about normal things they do. Harris can’t, because she is also weird. If they oversaturate with it, it’s going to lose effectiveness.
This is my thinking. They’ve found gold and instead of using it in mixture with other things. They’re going to run it into the ground.
Eh… we will see. Chuds getting self conscious is funny to me.
It reminds me of “ok boomer”, but that stopped because teens found other things to say, which I doubt will happen this time
I’m waiting for Trump to start selling bumper stickers of it.
Idk. The whole fascade is sort of at risk with this, they won’t be able to co-opt it or anything because weird is completely at odds with right wing messaging.
Even if they go “yeah well if it’s weird to blah blah blah then I guess I am weird” it’ll just come across like a bullied dweeb lol