It’s become clear to many that Red Hat’s recent missteps with CentOS and the availability of RHEL source code indicate that it’s fallen from its respected place as “the open organization.” SUSE seems to be poised to benefit from Red Hat’s errors. We connect the dots.

  • Boxscape
    3 months ago

    A name change does make sense for both. Especially now that even Leap might be distancing itself from SLE and whatnot.

    Agreed, but GeekOS or whatever it was they had on that oSC slide … Cheesus, they can do better than that.

    Yeah, I get the mascot’s name is Geeko, so maybe that is where they’re getting GeekOS. But I think I read that the mascot has to go together with the name anyway.

      143 months ago

      Cheesus, they can do better than that

      On recent performance, no they can’t. I mean, they had the chance to use Driftwood and went with Slowroll.

    • fr0g
      23 months ago

      There is no “current proposal” at this point.

      • @pmk
        43 months ago

        What about the proposal to just drop the name openSUSE with no replacement? And let each distro just be called Tumbleweed, Leap, Aeon, etc.

        • fr0g
          73 months ago

          That could be a branding strategy, I guess, but the community project behind it will still need a name of some kind obviously. Unless they only want to show up at conferences/have a website url etc as “the project whose name shall not be mentioned”.