• Tunnelvision [they/them]
    319 days ago

    I fully support NEETism if that’s what you call it. I’m a Zillennial or whatever the fuck and I’ve worked my entire adult life in the trades. FUCK WORK. There are no jobs that pay enough, the hours are long, and no one gives a fuck about you. Never feel bad for not having a job, you deserve to live however you want. If I was born even a few years later than I was I’d be a fuckin NEET too. There is no incentive AT ALL to do ANYTHING it’s crazy to think people wouldn’t act this way.

    • TheWurstman [he/him]
      109 days ago

      Literally had a bastard who is my “friend” give me the I should flip hamburgers and make people smile line. I’ve flipped hamburgers it’s hard work (not even in the bad way) but mother fuckers rarely smile at you. They just complain about you forgoting their pickles or that the burger is slightly over done or some dumb shit…