The content on all the communities seem different.

Why didn’t the “copycats” get the “this community name has already been taken” message?

It was bad enough at The Other Place finding one overlooked sub about one of your interests.

Now you have to find every single community in every single instance if you hope to talk about your topic?

I mean, look at this:

No Stupid

No Stupid

No Stupid

No Stupid

    311 year ago

    No offense, but you’re argument reveals that you’re thinking of all this fedi stuff as a service provided to you, like Facebook or reddit.

    It is not. It is people like you and me creating and taking part in them.

    These tools are BRAND NEW. It is likely the creators of one didn’t know about the other(s) at that time. This is US doing all this for US not a corporation making tools to suck people in to advertise to.

    Not gonna crit you further. You probably don’t remember the internet before the corps ruined it.

      281 year ago

      Wait until they find out that there used to be hundreds of websites all talking about the same thing?

      And it was magical.

      161 year ago

      Can you be any more condescending? Op has a point, it is not ideal to have the same community on different instances. There is no need to be a dick about it.

        61 year ago

        Sorry, didn’t mean to be dickish. I just reread my post. Saying “sounds like you’re expecting a corporate experience” was an observation is not an insult.

        Decentralized stuff is fundamentally different than centralized coordinates corporate stuff. Serious question, do you understand how it is that so many people can start so many similar communities?

        11 year ago

        It’s not the same community. It’s 5 different communities on 5 different instances that all happen to have the same name. It will be the owners of those communities to determine whether or not they want to consolidate.

      71 year ago

      Yeah, as someone who used to frequent car forums back in the day, one way I think about it is you might have Mazda, Subaru, Ford, Chevy, etc specific forums. And they all had subsections devoted to suspension upgrades, with a lot of content that would look really similar to someone just getting into cars. But they also met the different needs of the different communities, and had their own vibes and culture.

      Now imagine all those communities could interact with each other directly, and you end up with something like what we’re getting with the Fediverse.

      Or maybe I’m just too hung up on analogies, idk.

      • Thw internet was much better before corporations dug their teeth in.

        Better as in more information, much of it useful, but far less monetary reward for narcissism.