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  • @some_guy
    22 months ago

    I’ve been self-medicating to treat my trouble sleeping at night with alcohol for years. Now that I’m in a committed relationship and we live together, I’m finally ready to get sober again (I’m an alcoholic; I can’t drink only in moderation).

    I’ve worked out a plan with my doctor: I’ll have a week worth of valium in staggering doses to help with withdrawal symptoms. Each time I’ve done this before (three of them), I either was medicated or unmedicated but always alone. I’ve proven to myself that I can do this, so I’m not that worried about it. I do worry about how long it’ll take to get my sleep schedule under control and what knock-on effects this could create at my job.

    One day at a time. The first day of sobriety is on the 20th. Wish me luck.

    • @iamdisillusioned@lemmy.world
      22 months ago

      You’ve got this! You sound like you have a solid plan and are ready to execute it. If you’re able to reduce your intake and wean a bit before the 20th, it will help.

      • @some_guy
        22 months ago

        Doc and I agreed I won’t adjust beforehand. I’m keeping to my routine until I quit so that there’s no disruption / adjustment to throw off my schedule until I quit.