My answer: Fuck this just give me a rifle and point me towards the enemy lines!

    35 months ago

    well aside from shitty teachers, under funding and crowded class rooms, lack of any extracurricular activity besides maybe playing football on asphalt and the mostly failed but constant attempts at indoctrination, at best it’s like the Gaokao situation in china, where all your childhood is spent for studying for this massive hard exam at the end, and the society including your parents (if you have any) are constantly drilling it into your head that you would be nothing if you don’t get into a good university. it’s a marathon of pressure and mental abuse from every corner. people either give in, lash out or outright break.

    and nobody does anything about it because of capitalism. education is now a very profitable industry. everyone knows that the education system is fucked but any attempt at reform is met with resistance from publishers fearing losing book sales and tutor and private exam companies losing sales (we call them “Konkour mafia”, Konkour is the name of our university entrance exam).