Whenever people and the mainstream media talk about “The trauma of COVID” they always mean the lockdowns and not the… you know… millions of deaths.

Well I have trauma about the deaths. I have trauma about the way our society was manipulated into sacrificing a huge chunk of the population with a smile and a wave, and how we just don’t talk about it.

This same society still expects you to be horrified by the violence of 9/11 or whatever when the US alone was experiencing a 9/11 level of death every day and the disease is still killing, we just don’t bother recording the spread anymore. What the fuck is wrong with people?!

I literally get (for lack of a better word) triggered when people talk about how hard it was to have to have to wear a mask or to not get a haircut or some selfish bullshit. Or when they act as though their kids remote learning for a while ruined them or something. It’s all so petty. They just don’t give a shit. They’d kill millions for a haircut. It makes my heart sink, my eyes glaze and I start dissociating.

Imagine if this was the blitzkrieg, and instead of going to bomb shelters people were just like “I’m sick of hearing about these bombings, I’m just going to pretend they’re not happening and leave it up to fate.” And then the bomb shelters are all closed and even the people who still wanted to take shelter are left to fend for themselves. What madness would have that been if they had done that during WW2? Dragging people into the street to be bombed?

I don’t care if you were sick of lockdowns or restrictions! Fighting a pandemic should have been like fighting a war, we should have been doing everything we could to survive!

I am scared of these people. These brainwashed puppets. These eugenicists. If they can do this, well… it makes me feel surrounded by monsters. Like I can’t trust anyone.

  • eighthaccount [none/use name]
    286 months ago

    covid broke me. i constantly am grappling with how many people have left us since 2020. how they should still be here. how many more we will lose. the rest of us that very well could suffer from a shorter, needlessly challenging life. all because a small group of selfish removed couldn’t sacrifice a month or two in quarantine.

    maybe they just didn’t understand the risk. for someone not informed i could see them brushing it off. i’m not sure who to blame exactly. i dont understand enough about humanity and the world to say definitively. was it the high priests of capital? the social fascists that refused to cancel their fancy parties? what about the fundamentalists that believe covid is a sign of the impending end of the world and thus hastened it forward? or is it me, who after spending the last 3 years avoiding covid, got infected because i just had to go see that show?

    outside of a miracle cure and effective treatment for long covid, i have a hard time seeing things improving for humanity in my lifetime. anyone who has foresight seems to be on the same page. all talking about it does seem to do is depress the people around me - even those i know who agree. society seems to be warping and distorting rapidly to the point where i believe the average human life could become completely and unrecognizably cruel within a generation or two.

    • Dirt_Owl [comrade/them, they/them]OP
      6 months ago

      i’m not sure who to blame exactly.

      Those in positions of power (the super wealthy and the politicians they control). They have the responsibility to be informed and have a plan set up in waiting for events like this. They had been warned for decades by scientists that this would happen. Hell, I have a biology textbook from ten years ago talking about the inevitablity of a devistating pandmec and the steps that could be taken to prevent it.

      Much like climate change, they knew the risks but chose greed. They purposefully muddied public opinion and responded weakly to the threat because they never intended to stop it. They decided millions dead was cheaper for them.

      It was premeditated, homocidal negligence.

      It’s what happens when you have a society completely set up around serving capital instead of people.

      The virus isn’t unable to be eradicated. That’s what those in power want you to believe because they don’t want to try. They care more about money and power than the lives of “commoners” and much like climate change, they think “Let the poor die! It won’t happen to me, I’m special and I have money to protect me.”

    • I remember where the discourse that started to erode solidarity started from. It was the bourge. Those first few scary months were humanity in display, but we weren’t allowed that for long.

      It was media showing everyone how the rich kept skiing in Austria and brought the virus home for the poorer folks to catch and die from.

      It was business owners and capitalist panicing about the line not going up when they noticed people find life good without all that consumption or travel.

      It was a building of divides and eroding of solidarity.

      It was “experts” chiming in on how “lockdowds will cause harm to kids” or other similar things. It was seeding distrust to common sense solutions, endless discussion and debate without action.

      It was neoliberalism as an ideology.

    • QueerCommie [comrade/them, she/her]
      76 months ago

      i have a hard time seeing things improving for humanity in my lifetime.

      That’s pretty much the only time we have with climate catastrophe happening. At this point I can really only believe China will lead the rest of the world to a reasonable survival as we continue to rot, because otherwise we have nothing.