
TRIGGER WARNING: We have people self immolating because of genocides happening and because people are losing housing. This nation is going down and it’s the greed of the capitalists that’s the cause.

I’m basically in that elderly gentleman’s shoes as far as housing goes. I’m sorry to his family and to him for being pushed into this situation.


Elderly man self-immolates while being evicted.

Housing is a human right.

Direct link to video: https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1775547959775502338/pu/vid/avc1/640x360/8Bhf9UQdY6pfh4gx.mp4

Source: https://twitter.com/Jaybefaunt/status/1775639781868720573

  • @TommySoda@lemmy.world
    413 months ago

    Spoken like someone that has never felt the desperation and complete hopelessness that comes with housing insecurity. It’s probably one of the worst feelings I’ve ever felt and knowing there is nothing you can do about it makes it even worse. I’ve seen way worse things than self immolation because of getting evicted.

    The thing with getting evicted is that if you don’t have any other options it could potentially ruin your entire life. I live paycheck to paycheck these days and if I lost my job it would create a domino effect that will completely undermine everything in my life. You could lose everything you own, lose your job, lose access to food, and even lose your own life because of it. Shelter is the first thing people prioritize when lost in the wilderness for a reason. Because without it you are basically fucked.

    Now, I’m not saying this is a reasonable response to getting evicted. But at the same time, in that moment when you know you are about to potentially lose everything in your entire life, people get desperate.

    • Dr. Wesker
      3 months ago

      Untrue. But I did have resources I was able to leverage, unlike many others. And I was fortunate not to have any underlying mental health issues at the time that could have been exacerbated by the situation.

      • Bipta
        113 months ago

        I did have resources I was able to leverage, unlike many others.

        You ever stop to wonder if lack of such resources is what leads to said “mental health issues,” which are really the logical consequence of deprivation?

        • Dr. Wesker
          3 months ago

          Yes! Exactly. There need to be more resources. And this lack of accessibility is it’s own problem. Accessibility may have made the difference, where these two people didn’t take the actions they did in response to the situations they were in.

          Lumping it all into the housing crisis is a disservice. These are separate problems, that crossed paths, but that need separate sets of solutions.