Endorsing this answer and adding some more info and examples.
Etymologically: blasphemy comes from ancient Greek, meaning “hurtful speech”. In the Christian context, this was extended to mean impious speech, or taking God’s name in vain. Euphemy, in contrast, “good speech”, includes ways religious people modified these invocations against God to avoid blasphemy. Damn > darn ; God > gosh; sacré dieu (fr) > sacré bleu. Of course this is not just limited to religious speech: shit > sheesh; fuck > fudge; putain (fr) > purée.
More etymology on the terms we use to discuss these categories of words: “vulgar” = of or relating to the common people (i.e., not "polite society’). “Profanity” = religiously impure (literally “before the temple”, i.e., before being consacrated).
In a state with laws which reflect this Christian tradition, blasphemy is considered impolite, antisocial, and absolutely a corruption of the youth to allow children to hear such words. This is how these words get tied in to legislation which also prohibit other vulgarities. This is why you can’t say “God damn” on American public radio or tv. These laws often blanket ban the words without any mind to context. Sometimes they loosen them, however, so you might hear “damn” on the radio, but they censor the entire phrase “god damn”.
Cross-culturally, common insults, vulgarities, or invectives involve invoking the taboo: what’s impolite or improper to talk about in the culture? Scat/urine (shit, piss, s/cum, pissintunicus(medieval Latin), sex or sexual organs (dick, douche bag, fucker, pendejo(sp), dirtbag/scumbag (referring to a used condom)), blasphemies (go to hell, God damn you, hostie de tabernak(fr-ca)). What animals have a negative reputation (ass, cow, ayı(tr), bitch)? In what ways did you or your family break social norms (bastard)? Bonus if any of these overlap (mother fucker, ppb).
Note that a lot of profanities and insults are misogynist in origin. There are some obvious ones that refer to female genitalia or to female promiscuity, but even “Son of a bitch”, “mother fucker”, and “bastard”, while all directed at a male referant, impugne his mother’s character within the patriarchal system.
Awesome, love this, thanks for the rec!