Okay, but I need the Eeyore one
Way into the history of cinema. And spiders. And movies about spiders
Heliophobic trans she-demon
Okay, but I need the Eeyore one
Right now Portishead’s album “Dummy”
Not our Beloved Financial Institutions!
I don’t know how common this is, or if it’s just psychological, but as soon as I started taking estradiol I began to feel connected to my body for the first time. Like, it wasn’t just the meat-sac I lived inside but an actual part of me that I wanted to take care of
That cognitive dissonance of boob euphoria but boob pain
I used a name I was considering for my Mage, but I decided to go with something different. Still like it though. That character’s very special to me
Undercut pixie bob. Let’s my waves bounce
Got my first femme haircut yesterday afternoon, and I’m having intense gender feels from it
You know what? Yeah, I’ll take it. Thanks, r/Sinkpissers
I’ve been tracking mine as well. Only 20 shots in, so it’s helped me to measure my progress against the expectations I’d been given
That’s deep Lore
Seconding the rec for The Testament of Dr. Mabuse. His lengthy silent 2-parter Dr. Mabuse, Gambler is also pretty great. I went pretty yarnboard after seeing those, drawing connections from Sherlock Holmes stories to the silent French crime serials Fantômas and Les Vampires, through the Mabuse films down to 60s spy stuff
Also, since I’m a Ray Milland superfan, Lang’s film Ministry of Fear is good noir fun
Going in for my first appointment at the clinic was so great. Everyone was beyond considerate, just really happy for me and encouraging
No, no. Doctor is the clear winner
Mine works just often enough to remind me how broken it usually is
Triple cups, yeah
It’s an old fave of mine. So great