This bean is too cool to be worried about such things!
…but I’m deeply terrified, what have you heard?
Amateur rabbit photographer
This bean is too cool to be worried about such things!
…but I’m deeply terrified, what have you heard?
Hey! There were 5 billion of us, myself included, offering to help moderate the server! Why only focus on one?
I don’t know, I’m not a content scientist! You’ll have to ask someone who is!
If this is the kind of propaganda you intend to spread, I suppose we could make an exception…
We only killed content! Is that better?
That’s probably more accurate. I suppose “brigading” is more for a group effort
Sneaky sneaky
Looks like an admin has arrived! Thank you!
You think I’m not going to follow a rabbit when I see one?
We certainly can, alas I don’t want this dickweed souring the good name of SDF!
Aye, that address. I’ve emailed them before and have received replies within a day… I’m hoping they’re not facing a personal emergency of their own
I was able to get on and ask, seems membership@
is the only one (most) people know of
I’ve asked on com if anyone has an emergency contact, awaiting if anyone does
Thank you for fighting alongside me, uhh, dad!
Last post was 3 mins ago and profile still accessible. Am I missing something?
Quick correction: Domain is
(fix missing period)
Beans aren’t afraid of the dark!