Appreciate the feedback. Thanks for the good vibes.
Appreciate the feedback. Thanks for the good vibes.
I found being aware is the most important. Seems like you’re taking a healthier approach (not calling alcohol healthy) than most people where it’s gotten out of hand, my self included.
I get the lack of hanging out. My drinking definitely spiked during the COVID lockdowns. Still trying to get back to a previous normal with people I hung out with.
I haven’t drank in 8 days now, I can definitely tell you that my head is so much more clear and I’ve probably saved at least 30-50$.
Thanks, appreciate the thoughts.
Nothing worth having comes easy. Looking forward to those challenges.
I’ve been in that boat for a while; Just not ready to pull the plug.
I’ve been subscribed here since the beginning, carried over from Reddit. Just reading and listening to people’s stories. The check-ins didn’t really do much for me.
I consider myself lucky. Even though I may have been damaging my own body, haven’t caused physical harm to anyone else. Just a few of my relationships suffered.
When the time is right, I hope you can do it too.
I’m starting to realize, most of it is habit for me.
Fine something new to replace the bad habit with. Physical put some seltzer waters/ for another non-alcoholic drink where you keep your alcohol, then next time you go for it you have a choice.
You’ve fought past the fear and anxiety; then become so comfortable that you don’t seem to remember that fear.
Seems like they didn’t clean up very well since there was product spilling 0.o
I see the /s , but I remember hosting 16 people lobbies with 5 Mbps. Its not about bandwidth, but more throughput. Yes, some overhead will cause bandwidth issues, but most of it is THROUGHPUT (ping/ latency).
It’s crazy how many people equate Mbps latency. Broadband companies spread this lie that faster is better.
You can game lag free and have VoIP calls with zero interruption on 5Mbps.
Only thing more Mbps helps with is downloading larger files faster.
HAHA that is great! I would say of course. I can’t count how many times this happened to me and how annoying it is. I think that’s why I don’t trust people to do anything for me now.
Oh man, that’s a good one. Agreed its strange and sometimes awkward excepting praise.
I agree, I love ketchup, but would not put it in this.
I’d eat that. I don’t generally eat breakfast.
I thought it was for flushability. That paper disintegrates almost instantly once it hits the water, I’m pretty sure that saves the money too by preventing clogs.
But it would make sense that it’s for discouragement…
I’m in for one ticket.
No they won’t 👀💀
Overcooked room temp shrimp ramen with cold creamed canned corn.
I agree. It’d be kind of nice to have it off to the side.
Don’t ban the EVs, ban the invasive monitoring that comes with them.
Post a picture of it, the basket and the mesh.
If it’s really bad then like someone else suggested: get some oven degreaser from the store, spray it down, let it sit for 10 minutes and wash off with hot water. Try not to breath the stuff, it’s nasty.
But you should be cleaning it weekly. Warm it up for a minute or two, then with folded paper towels wipe it out over a trash can. Leaving a light coating is actually to your advantage, it will keep the new stuff from sticking.