Has anybody here had experience with naltrexone? I recently started taking it because the cravings were so strong I couldn’t take it anymore. My only side effects have been mild muscle and joint pain, slight nausea, and decreased appetite. Also, I tried to drink a beer while on it and it just made me feel sick so I threw it away. I got sober last June and I slipped up a few times since then, but this medicine has helped me a ton. Curious if anybody has had a similar or different experience.
It worked wonders for me at the start, but I seem to have pushed through and am now drinking almost as much again. I do feel more like I could quit now and it’s more out of habit than urge.
I’m starting to realize, most of it is habit for me.
Fine something new to replace the bad habit with. Physical put some seltzer waters/ for another non-alcoholic drink where you keep your alcohol, then next time you go for it you have a choice.
I wonder if you need to up your dose? Were you on the 50mg?