I’m not knowledgeable enough on this topic to prove you wrong or even argue — but Bombardier have an opportunity to try do so.
If they can’t, we must act urgently because if they won’t use their factories and their workers, someone else can. Because we have a lot to do.
I believe you. Perhaps I’m underestimating the effects of the positive energy coming from how many have joined us across the country and the world.
But my life experience is the opposite of what you describe. I let the devils of nihilism and cynicism cloud me, to rationalize and justify taking the easy route of inaction.
So my message here is not to you and folks like you who were ahead of me in this. You’re better than me. I looked down on people like you because your actions didn’t make a difference. Why should I, a rationalist, take irrational actions that don’t make a difference.
So my message here is to people like me, who have talked themselves out of doing something. To them I say: it feels good to act. And no one can take that away from me.