The only thing that will halt dengue is a Final Solution to the mosquito question. For to long have we let these parasites suck the life out of our family, friends and neighbors. The Earth must be cleansed of this cancer.
The only thing that will halt dengue is a Final Solution to the mosquito question. For to long have we let these parasites suck the life out of our family, friends and neighbors. The Earth must be cleansed of this cancer.
Now release your anger. Only your hatred will destroy me.
maybe we’ll will lose the right to “modify” application state and close them. I’m sure many companies who make jobs by marketing data would support such legislation so users couldn’t interfere with their operation
Good, another resounding victory for capitalism.
there are many
Vim actually feels quite natural to people who use vim.
The short answer is yes.
If you’re spending money, invest in Posteo.de
it’s weird. on yt i hate ads, but on pjftv, i don’t mind them. i wonder what that brain mechanism is and how it works.
they don’t place alarm markers on the food i buy: box of cereal, fresh fruit, bag of rice, can of beans…
in IL, they might put markers on liquor but IDK bc i quit years ago
Most of the ocean you won’t be detected in. There’s just nobody looking for anyone out there. So stay away from eezs and littoral zones and you ll be alone in no time.
Stovetop popped corn
All the news that’s fit to print
Of course not. Take a look at OP’s topic, we “pirate” these things to creatively save money.
sometimes i pirate groceries at self-checkout
would be embarrassing if intelligence services didn’t deploy bots to push propaganda and create divisions
420, Ni…