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Cake day: December 28th, 2023

  • Rules and laws don’t apply anymore. It’s all we got but it’s not enough. Sure all sides are playing along for now. But maga is doing what they want with minimal pushback. There is no real enforcement of these things they are told they can’t do. There are no consequences. While the takeover is slowed down by some of these losses, it sets the stage where most people are not caring or have given up. There is no real fight against this onslaught. Saying they can’t do this or do that means nothing at this point.

    I see a few dozen people show up for a protest. It’s good, until they block traffic and then half the people showing support for the protest get mad and hate protesters. Lots of memes are out there. There is no organized defense. We are all going to suffer much more.

  • People say nobody becomes a billionaire without exploiting workers. Nobody becomes that powerful in Congress without breaking rules. Trump is a gangster. His people have dirt on him and probably most everyone. The Republican know when to call in the favors to get what they want. Chuck has no choice but to follow along. Maybe they will let him live he thinks. Maybe he hopes he can get away with what is maybe worse than we know or think he’s done.

    It will be interesting to see how and when the future views the end of the US and democracy. It’s probably already happened. We just don’t see it that way.

  • While money would be important to end world hunger, there also needs to be the political will for that to happen. It’s just not there in many parts of the world. And just throwing money, especially the way musk does, won’t solve every problem. He wouldn’t be able to do it. So he doesn’t try. He just lies and says he could.

    Bill Gates had been trying to eradicate malaria and while great strides have been made, it’s not gone. And what does he have for his efforts? Getting blamed for microchipping people and trying to take over the world. If it’s just an ego trip to do good for musk, what’s the point. You just become the enemy by doing good.

    The movie a Bronx tale has the gangster asked if he’d rather be feared or respected. He say feared because respect goes away. That is the attitude of many who gain power it seems.

  • You would rather be a slave willing to die a horrible death, so one man will be a little more angry?

    Musk will never know being poor, no matter if all his stock is devalued. He will never be left to fend for himself or worry about his electric being cut off. Will always have servants cleaning up after him. Sure, whatever “power” he has may be gone without his massive wealth, but there are 1000 more just as evil who would take his place.

    Sure, a little schadenfreude is in order. But I certainly wouldn’t want to suffer that greatly just so musk can have a few more temper tantrums and things to remain the same.