Edit (after reading link): ye i was aware of thet travesty aswell.
Edit (after reading link): ye i was aware of thet travesty aswell.
Not suprised. But still a fucking discrase
Perhaps. Thank you for the info
Same hare (just autism here). My bedroom total mess and sometimes looks like a twister went trough it, but if i fill my dishwasher, hang up clothes or cook everyghing need to be perfect ans just so.
Me: not trans ,not part of this community, randomly scrolling through lemmy. Sees comic.
20 sec later, audibly out loud “Omg that is sooo sweet!”
My lonlieness-anxiety(not sure if its the correct term) has come back with full force. Christmas has not helped at all … yay overstimulation!! /s
Thank you!
Is… is that Waddles? From Gravity falls. GODS MAN Mabel has been worried sick!
Så… om man inte bryter ner och är en drama queen så får man ej asyl… wow.
My thought when i saw this can be summerised in 3 simple words
Sorry for the rant
3 things.
That my country would stop being so god damn stupid.
Verry interesting.
I know im a bit late to the party… sorry bad joke, but i hope your feeling better. Being at social gatherigs is taxing as fuck and that with depression is not a good combo. Take care of yourself!
Merci beucoup!
Check out the story of John Rabe. Hes the closest i would concidder go be a “good” nazi. He attempted and in some cases maneges to protect chinese civilians during the “rape of nanjing”.