“But who will make this decision? Officially, it’s a secret. According to the DNC, there are 448 active members of the national committee, including 200 elected members from 57 states, territories, and Democrats Abroad; members representing 16 affiliate groups; and 73 “at-large” members who were elected as a slate appointed in 2021 by the party chairman, Jaime Harrison”
Some of these people are appointed and some are elected? How the fuck does that work? Just some archaic hodge podge system held together by tradition?
The Big Stall, by Donald Gutstein talks about how specifically in Canada they provide cover for oil companies. More broadly they’re just another voice to support right wing (sometimes left wing) talking points. They’ll publish official sounding studies that are skewed to show whatever objective they want. Day to day, I assume not much, maybe they have large projects with deadlines.