also, your blanket ‘marxists’ statement belies your so-called ‘intellectualism’. you are neither an academic nor smart. i think it’s time for you to shut the fuck up.
also, your blanket ‘marxists’ statement belies your so-called ‘intellectualism’. you are neither an academic nor smart. i think it’s time for you to shut the fuck up.
the goals are crystal clear in my mind, along with the means of achieving them.
i agree, but keep in mind that if the DOJ knows what they’re up against, they will pull some underhanded shit to make a conviction unavoidable. don’t doubt them for a second.
i honestly have no faith and would rather see us organizing the things that don’t interact with the gears of government at all.
conservatives are culturally inferior. we should make exceptions.
me too, but if you can’t divorce yourself from economic theories and see what the reality looks like outside the textbook, you’re no smarter than any other overeducated idiot.
i love that too, but they will be anticipating jury nullification, and they have stopped people from doing it before.
i just don’t trust anything abut the american justice system any more.
he’s right. we need to let go of our own empathy to make us more effective soldiers in the fight to defeat him and the people like him.
i look forward to the day when these guys beg for mercy as we ease them into their excruciating fate with cold, unblinking eyes.
a true patriot would organize a team to break this guy out of jail.
you talk like an economist. economists don’t care about the individual. they look at economic benefits on a large scale, where most of the measurements are in relation to financial institutions. i’ve met many people who benefited from recession. large firms and wealthy shareholders often liquidate things during recessions at reduced prices, which allow poor people to finally afford something.
economists also go great with garlic, so watch yourself.
because the american citizen was not the target. an al-quaeda operative was the target. the kid happened to be in close proximity.
thank you so much for posting this. his response to the demands was
‘joe biden proposed a tax on the rich that would generate $50 billion per year, which isn’t enough to fix the debt in one year’
‘it would hamper growth’
‘growth’ - you know… that thing that cancer does.
oh well. i guess there’s nothing else you can do but put your head under the boot.
goddamnit, i start getting hard when i read “rational conclusion” followed by a true statement. you earned my upvote.
you still don’t seem to grasp the point i’m trying to make.
how do you think we defeat the fascists? with hugs?
of course everyone thinks they’re the good guys. no one thinks they’re the villain, but you and i know who the good guys are, right? no? well, you can end up in a pile with the rest of my enemies.
you don’t get it, do you? whoever wins the war we are in gets to decide who the good guys were. there is no compromise. there never could be. it’s always been a war. and it will be over when one side capitulates. don’t be on the losing team.
you think the other side won’t do whatever it takes to win? they’re doing it now. do you want them to win? then you need to be prepared to do whatever it takes to stop them. THIS IS HOW WARS WORK. don’t think we’re in one? you’re delusional.
it’s okay when the good guys do it. it’s not ok when our enemies do it. goose and gander comparisons should never be made if it justifies your opposition. i’m just trying to get people to understand how wars work. “by any means necessary” is what it takes to win. if the victory defeats an existential threat to humanity, then whatever it took to do it was justified.
the venus project is the goal