Gros Michel, often translated and known as “Big Mike”, is an export cultivar of banana and was, until the 1950s, the main variety grown. The physical properties of the Gros Michel make it an excellent export produce; its thick peel makes it resilient to bruising…
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Hyper Nixtamalization
Also than smuglord Chapo posters.
I guess you could say you like the 1st strand-like.
Was watching Top 10 Video & Arcade episodes on YouTube and this Canadian book was advertised. It’s the fictional sequel to a fiction book about Camp X a real thing and this Goodreads review is saying how sympathetic they found the Nazi prisoners in it.
In this story, you can feel George’s conflict about the WWII German prisoners because he gets to know them, he realizes that they have families and miss them, the same way he misses his father, that they are brave, honourable, and good people, just caught up in an evil war that makes humans turn against each other. The Germans are portrayed as human beings, as normal people like you and I, and it makes you rethink about your feelings towards them.
You get caught in between wanting the prisoners to escape (if they were Canadian soldiers in a German camp, you’d want them to) and not wanting them to make things worse for the Allies by going back to Germany. And you just can’t decide. That’s how real life is. And eventually, you learn that you have to make a choice, a choice that can have drastic consequences even if it is the one that seems right, and you just have to learn to live with that.
Takes a Canadian to be like “but what about the captured Nazis though?”
Yeah, it’s definitely at least partially YouTubers influencing this. Games that are kinda’ bad are treated as the worst thing. I remember people trying to point out that there are worse games than Pokemon Scarlet/Violet, not defending them, just pointing out there are some uber-bad games that run and play worse on PS2, Wii, NES, etc. And that was met with a lot of smug opposition. Not sure if AVGN and outrage YouTubers did that or maybe YT reviews in general.
A lot of people repeating opinions of others on games they didn’t play. Which is annoying although slightly more understandable since games take so long to play and can be expensive sometimes, so people still want to be part of the conversation but might be able to actually play them sometimes, but it also leads to people just repeating arguments and factoids that aren’t necessarily sound or genuine. Might also tie into my first point about how gamers have such low control of their urge to buy games they need a game to be the worst thing ever to stop themselves from buying it.
They didn’t sign NAFTA, the conservatives did that.
Five or zero percent. Got it.
Macron needs to be beaten with a stick, like a dog.
Historian Søren Mørch has characterized the Danish cuisine as a “garbage kitchen” of insipid, sweet and unspiced “baby food” where the tastes of milk and sweetness form the key elements. He believes that it arose because the export policy of the Danish food sector was to use the Danish home market as a “gutter” for left-over products, after high-quality bacon and butter had been sold abroad. Skimmed milk, meat scraps only suitable for chopping up, and the replacement product margarine are all products which Søren Mørch describes as residue products.[119]
“Give me the 1080p web rip, or yee walkin’ the boards here, boy”
Honestly. Maybe he’s onto something. Maybe one of our beloved dirtbag left podcasts (except YKS) could do something cool for once.
“But…If me, my birth, if that’s a thermodynamic miracle…I mean, you could say that about anybody in the world!”
“Anybody in the world.”
Good post. I present thee the Banana Cup Trophy of posting.
COVID “lockdowns” let me accept I fucking hate leaving the house. All the normies telling me to “get outside” really just meant “go spend money”. I go out and bike and I love that, but I don’t go out to eat at restaurants anymore. I’ve gotten good enough at cooking at home anyway and the prices of everything is stupid so fuck it. Thankfully have one IRL friend who comes over every couple weeks to hang out for like 10+ hours and that’s all I need for socializing, at least as a minimum.
Elon’s advocate: a loser Elon superfan of that level might copy the way he talks.
They’re out here warning us about Kickstarters that wanna suck your pets’ being into a soul cube. Don’t see Chapo warning us of this new frontier for evil.
Yeah, I counter my addictive personality with being cheap as fuck and being like “you don’t deserve my money” to everyone and everything.