Because the tools are here and not going anyway
I agree with this on a global scale; I was thinking about on a personal scale. In the context of the entire world, I do think the tools will be around for a long time before they ever fall out of use.
The actually useful shit LLMs can do.
I’ll be the first to admit I don’t know many use cases of LLMs. I don’t use them, so I haven’t explored what they can do. As my experience is simply my own, I’m certain there are uses of LLMs that I hadn’t considered. I’m personally of the opinion that I won’t gain anything out of LLMs that I can’t get elsewhere; however, if a tool helps you more than any other method, then that tool could absolutely be useful.
My friend group refers to Left 4 Dead 2 versus mode as “the grand finals” for this reason; the players in it treat it like it’s the most important event that’s ever happened in their life, and a single mistake is completely unacceptable