I don’t need an audience for that, messes with my performance
I don’t need an audience for that, messes with my performance
A - not everyone has issues with legumes, don’t project your personal issues on everyone. B - just take a beano pill beforehand if you do have issues.
If there’s no central server then where is all the data stored?. With Lemmy I know the instance creator has to host it all on his own server.
“I just think it’s the fact I did so [expletive] much in that timeframe that, of course I don’t remember all of it,” he said
Read More: https://www.looper.com/985780/the-real-reason-frankie-muniz-doesnt-remember-malcolm-in-the-middle/
Literally in the article you shared
He’s refuted this multiple times but this rumor refuses to die
Found the Chicagoan
People don’t even enjoy me and I don’t enjoy them, declining invitations is so annoying, I just wanna be home alone
Good, end this AI bullshit, it has little upsides and a metric fuckton of downsides for the common man
Do you have any instances you suggest, I’m new to fediverse and picked this one at random
And here I thought the autism they gave you were bad enough.
Plus you get your wizard powers after 30
Yes it’s called sailing the sea
You think voters can’t be sexist or racist?
Can some people who are willing to post something other than American politics and Reddit bashing posts join lemmy soon, I’m sick of my entire feed being nothing but all these negative topics
All the democrats had to do was field a white male opponent against Trump who can be charming and give good speeches. Instead they put up a biracial woman, who the fuck amongst the democrats thought that America was ready for a biracial woman president, like did they do zero pooling to figure out what the people wanted, aren’t politicians supposed to know the pulse of the nation, it’s literally their job to serve the citizens of the country. They should have made Bernie or even Walz the presidential candidate and Kamal could have been the VP
More like the crook who stole the company from under its founders, ruined their vision for it and further fucked them over just to satisfy his ego and greed
I’m talking about individuals choosing euthanasia of their own free will, not others choosing that option for someone.
I was referring to auto euthanasia, where the person choses it of his own will, of course lots and lots of saftey and security checks need to still be added to make sure no one is being coerced into it
This is why I detest the idea of keeping someone alive at any cost that’s currently the law, euthanasia should be legalized and available to everyone, at some point we all have to die, I don’t understand why make people suffer into old age, we put pets down when they get too old and sick because we know that’s mercy, then why is the same mercy not shown to human beings.
Edit: I am talking about auto euthanasia, aka an individuals right to chose his own end, not others making that choice for old / sick people
Thanks for the detailed reply that helps, this sounds really interesting, with the late stage capitalism we are going through, I’ve lost all interest in private corporate controled social networks, hence the switch to Lemmy, but the instance owner is still a single point of failure with Lemmy but at least you can switch to another instance.
I have a few concerns about Plebbit though.
A - with torrents you know the size of the torrent beforehand and can decide if you can download it all and continue seeding it so long as you have the space for it on your drive, but with a forum like Plebbit, how would a user know how much space on their drive Plebbit will take for the Plebbit content they interact with. Is there a way to dedicate X gigabytes of limited storage space for it and anything above that gets purged to make space for new data?
B - One of the best uses Of Reddit imo is that it’s very easy to Google for something and find a relevant Reddit thread, especially for something niche, since Plebbit only keeps the most popular content and the rest goes away if not seeded, does it mean it won’t be a good for niche archival data, maybe that’s a use case that Plebbit isn’t design to handle and that’s okay.
C - Bots are a big concern for most social media, especially the ones used for spreading propaganda and misinformation, how does a P2P social forum like Plebbit plan to handle bots.?