• Rentlar
    316 months ago

    From HN-user whatshisface’s comment:

    If the reason for “not forcing them to handle content from server Y” is that the admin of server X had a name calling spat with an individual user on server X, the fact that the fediverse makes instance admins into miniature dukes and dutchesses, complete with wars and Honor, is an unalloyed pain. ;-)

    I think this user is saying this as a negative but I really think this is an advantage of the Fediverse and an intended consequeunce.

    I don’t think I’m alone in thinking that I’d rather have dukes and duchesses ruling little fiefdoms in the fediverse over King Zuck, King Spez, King Musk who have full control over their respective network. Each can have their spats over stupid stuff, but in the fiefdom model, with a little technical knowledge you can make a part of the network you have complete rule over, and engage in something akin to diplomacy with the other little fiefdoms.

      • @____@infosec.pub
        16 months ago

        That’s the real value prop of the fediverse. My masto presence is a single user instance, and for a whopping $9 a month, I am not forced to see any content I’d prefer not to.

        I am beholden to my hosting, whose values and general business model I did a bit of due diligence on before signing up to be sure they aligned with mine.

        So much simpler to enjoy the experience this way.

    • @captainlezbian@lemmy.world
      56 months ago

      Yeah and it allows me to pick someone who doesn’t allow shit I don’t want to see. Early in the Reddit migration there was a server on Lemmy that was basically right wing bigotry humor. I picked .world in part because at the time it hadn’t been defederated from many servers.

    • @runswithjedi@lemmy.world
      36 months ago

      Yep, totally agree. Each of those “kings” (I like authoritarian dictators better) would rather no other network exist and create false scarcity and exclusivity on their platforms. With the fediverse, it’s only stronger with more self-hosted servers and there is no scarcity. Anyone can add onto the network if they want.

  • Nightwatch Admin
    136 months ago

    How utterly delightful, someone fighting the dense diarrhoea that is Meta “transparency”. Random blocks on all of their platforms, users, groups, numbers, fediverse instances, you name it they block it. No reason, no appeal, permablock, and no support email or phone. I wish humanity would start whipping Zuck into some decency.

  • @triplenadir@lemmygrad.ml
    6 months ago

    the author, Alex Gleason, is a notable bigot - he was “chief of technology” for Donald Trump’s “truth.social”, Gleason’s spinster.xyz is the usual anti-trans / nazi-adjacent crossover special, and Soapbox is notorious on Mastodon for being almost entirely used by actual fascists.

    blocking his bullshit from Threads is an incredibly rare Facebook W for its users, IMO - although really I wish Alex all the best working around whatever defederation FB is doing, truly he and Mark Zuckerberg are a great match.

  • @small44@lemmy.world
    16 months ago

    Why anybody would want to fetch posts from threads which is full of edgy and disgusting posts?