I felt like sharing but don’t have many foljs about to share it with, much less people who would understand.

I have been having a lot of trouble with initiation this year both in work and home life. My wife asked me to do a minor remodel of one of the bathrooms - tiles, new toilet, new vanity, nothing requiring a permit. I got started about the beginning of November or so, but between getting sick one week and my ADHD acting up a bit, what should have taken about a week has nearly taken two months.

In the last week, I have managed to succeed in climbing my ADHD “wall”, getting the tiles cut, laid with thinset, and, just tonight, grouted. The hardest parts are all done.

This means that I am set to finish it up before Christmas. Which means that I don’t strain my marriage with another unfinished thing and I don’t increase my anxiet, or risk beating myself up due to an incomplete thing that I know needs to be done. I’m extremely proud of myself after a challenging year.

I hope you all have some victories to celebrate too (to be fair, if you say otherwise, I won’t believe you). Happy holidays and keep on rocking.

  • snrkl
    1 year ago

    Great work! Keep it up! 👍