I would say that “standard warranty applies”, which is IT speak for: “if it breaks, you get to keep both pieces!”…
Caveat emptor: if you don’t turn it off, it might just be YOUR house that burns down, I guess…
I would say that “standard warranty applies”, which is IT speak for: “if it breaks, you get to keep both pieces!”…
Caveat emptor: if you don’t turn it off, it might just be YOUR house that burns down, I guess…
Among other things, yes…
There are hybrid inverters that support dark start (no grid) but yes, as you mentioned, they only do this when they have internally dropped the grid feed, to prevent such a back feed event.
If cyclone winds lift the panels and damage them, when the sun comes out it can increase the chances of a fire, or some such.
We had a category 2 cyclone approaching.
I only described it as inclement weather, so as not to become “exciting men’s club”…
Congrats - it sure is a milestone…
I was diagnosed at 44yo, finally got to a psychiatrist who said to me: you’re doing every single life hack/strategy we could possibly ask an ADHD sufferer to be doing to manage their symptoms… Did you want to try some medication?
I was like: “so that means, yes, I DO have ADHD?”
He just smiled and said: “yes, absolutely!”
I was so relieved to finally have some kind of answer I broke down on the spot, and had to defer the meds conversation till the next months appt as it was all too much at that point.
I’m 8-9 months in, and wish I’d been diagnosed 35 years ago!
My journey wasn’t anything like yours, it only took 12 months once I decided to pursue it, but even I had to laugh when my GP gave me a list of a dozen psychiatrists and told me to call each one to see if they were taking referrals…
I looked at him and said: you’re giving me a list of 12 things to do with no deadline so I can get diagnosed with ADHD… Isn’t this a terrible idea?!
Yes… I realised member everything in the shower… Even the things I remembered in the shower yesterday…
And have zero ability to get it into my digital journal…
I’d suggest maybe either buy from the google store, or from sellers in countries where locking is illegal (like Australia)…
I’ve also had luck on eBay by confirming with the seller first.
I’ve used airtable for these sorts of “personal use” use cases (eg: home built rocketry flight log) and I was even able to use their iPhone / Android app to enter data.
I haven’t paid a cent for it yet as I’m well under their data caps.
Haven’t tried this in a while (I’ve been off iPhone for 5years now), but iPhone used to allow this as follows:
If you join your home WiFi and have no default route set by dhcp, iPhone should tell you it has no internet and you can tell it to use the connection anyway.
The iPhone feature to “use 4g when WiFi is bad” should then solve for internet access and let you do both.
Just be aware you can’t have split brain DNS, so internal LAN stuff will likely need to be accessed by ip address only, not DNS based.
Mk4s owner here and I’m super unhappy with the output of my factory assembled mk4s, due to a consistent first layer problem. The mk4s is related to the core 1 as far as I know as the “next gen”.
Prusa seems to be aware of the issue, but I feel they are still messing around greatly with any kind of actual solution to the problem, that actually led me to pulling the pin on any work purchases from Prusa at all.
I actually got sent a second factory assembled mk4s as a “make good”, and the new unit had the exact same problem, right out of the box…
If I had my time again, I wish I’d have gone the Voron in some kind of pre-packed kit form…
Namely @KindnessInfinity@lemmy.ml
But also anyone else who works on this that I can’t see immediately…
To whom-so-ever is running this cross pollination of GrapheneOS updates into Lemmy: I salute you and thank you for your efforts!
OMFG this is brilliant…
Feel like sharing the source so I can adjust to get a few stickers printed?
Were the move reasons explained? I’m out of the loop apparently…
I like the little shuttle golf carts in Japanese airports: each cart plays a different tune as they drive along.