Steve Huffman said he has planned to change the site’s rules so that users had the power to vote out moderators, following a 48-hour protest blackout.

  • Hovenko
    112 years ago

    Moderators should just stop being moderators and leave and let the shitposts and nsfw stuff untouched. Maybe then that mad little guy realizes how much free work is he leeching off.

    • RyanHakurei
      52 years ago

      Moderators should just stop being moderators

      and give up the only semblance of power they have in their lives? That’ll never fucking happen. You do realize Steve used these peoples’ hunger for power specifically against them, right? They’ll fall in line line like good little powermods.

    • pilvlp
      22 years ago

      Exactly. They should turn off all moderation and then spam their own subs with bot BS.

    82 years ago

    It all comes down to what you want out of social media. I understand the majority. people don’t care. They want their content.

    I was never big into social media. I only ever used reddit, and only really got into it recently.

    if possible I’d personally rather support a community driven space and let the chips fall, over a profit driven space. That’s all it comes down to.

    I guess it really is a political discussion in essence, and I’ve never been much for politics. I just know what I feel, and I don’t really miss reddit. This checks the boxes for my needs, even in its infancy.

    I think reddit is about bottom line end of day. And given the economic and social context of reddit, and as a newer user, I can’t blame them for their actions. I just happen to like it better here. They are capitalist business people, operating in a capitalist setting. I don’t agree with their methods, but I don’t agree with a lot of things.

    How many “I’m not reading all that” comments am I gonna get for this?

    • flybynightpotato
      2 years ago

      I read it! And I agree. Reddit isn’t going to collapse. It’s going to turn into something else that most of those of us here don’t want to participate in, probably lose a decent amount of credibility (and users), but march on kind of the way Twitter has (I don’t participate there anymore, either). We are free to leave (so we are) and other users who just “want their content” are free to stay (so they are). “Enshittification” is exactly the right term, though.

      edit: inserted a missed word.

    • Goob
      32 years ago

      I also read it! Couldn’t agree more with your last paragraph. Like @flybynightpotato said, Reddit is going to keep chugging along and become exactly what they want it to be. Those of us who didn’t like the direction it was going have moved on and are probably better off for it. Personally, I didn’t participate much on Reddit because it felt like whispering at a rave. The smaller community here just feels a little more intimate and friendly, and I feel that I’m actually able to converse with others rather than shout into the void.

  • hawdini
    82 years ago

    So basically, we can now vote out the mods and post what we want on subreddits? And if the new mods don’t like what we post, we vote them out too? That sounds like a disaster waiting to happen.

    • Anomander
      52 years ago

      Site Admin have opposed “vote out” mechanics since debuting subreddits, entirely in the understanding that as bad as the current system is - reducing it to rank populism would be worse and far easier for malicious actors to exploit. I vague recall Spez being vocal about that issue, years ago - how convenient he forgets all those opinions once it doesn’t serve Reddit’s interests to just ignore flaws in their mod system.

      The best irony in all this is that he’s determined that even minority dissent to participation in the protests warrants sweeping changes to facilitate - citing the importance of accommodating those perspectives - but massive dissent against reddit changes is a perspective he’ll do anything to avoid even acknowledging, much less accommodating. Dissent really matters when he agrees with it, and we have a laundry list of excuses for why dissent he doesn’t like simply doesn’t count.

    • DreamySweet
      42 years ago

      Is there a subreddit you don’t like? Are you a mod of a larger subreddit? Get your users to vote out the smaller subreddit’s mods and vote you in, then delete it.

      • RyanHakurei
        2 years ago

        This issue could be prevented, perhaps to have a voting ability you need to have a certain amount of karma, comments, posts, history, etc or a combination of the above attributes, then once a vote is called there’s a secondary voting round where only a few randomly selected users get to vote. That would water down any flooding attempts.

    • Burndown
      22 years ago

      r/politics is about to become the first internet civil war.

  • niktemadur
    2 years ago

    “Any decisions made in this organization are UNILATERAL, and I’m The Boss. So… are you going to be a team player, or what?”

    Notice any authoritarian bullying and gaslighting in this sentiment?

    EDIT: Maybe that should be…

    sO… aRe YoU gOiNg To Be A tEaM pLaYeR, oR wHat?

  • User Deleted
    32 years ago

    How will voting work? What if a mod bans users befor they vote? 🤣 Can we vote out r/conservative mods and replace it with content about conserving the environment?

    32 years ago

    So Redditors can now stage a coup is what I’m hearing?

    Fuckin sick, I hope this destroys the site even more honestly. Fucking spez.

    • TGRush
      12 years ago

      I think it’d be fine if the decision was made outside of this context…