Republicans currently hold a trifecta in New Hampshire, with GOP majorities in the House and Senate and a Republican occupying the governor’s mansion. But control of the House — the largest in the country with 400 members — sits on a knife’s edge. There are 198 Republicans and 195 Democrats, three independents, and four vacant seats.

Republicans “claim that they don’t want to ban abortion anymore, and that they don’t want to change the 24 week ban. And here we are, with a bill from sponsors in both chambers, trying to move the ban to 15 days,” says Alexis Simpson, deputy minority leader of the New Hampshire House. Simpson pointed to other proposals floated by GOP members to restrict abortion, including a Texas-style abortion bounty law in 2021, and 15-week ban that is expected to be introduced in the upcoming session.

  • FoundTheVegan
    787 months ago

    Right wing: I shouldn’t have to get a vaccine or wear a mask! Respect my bodily rights!

    Also the right wing: I personally get to dictate what happens with every single womb.

        7 months ago

        This one said “State didn’t ask you to give birth”. She was beurocrat, but she was “walked away” after this.

        You know, fired from Gestapo for cruelty.

  • Ghostalmedia
    557 months ago

    I love that these fuckwits haven’t come to terms with the fact that most Americans hate this policy, and all it does is drive out the vote for the Dems.

    • Alto
      357 months ago

      They have, that’s why they’re turning the anti-democratic actions up to 11

      107 months ago

      It’s very telling they they’re floundering on this and can’t get consistent messaging. The party has fallen apart in most meaningful ways. The Republican Party of 2012 would’ve had analyst and strategist approved talking points given to every Republican to parrot. They’d have a consistent national campaign of bullshit.

      Not only are the strategists being ignored, I think a lot of them have flat out left since 2016. If they weren’t far right to start, there’s a good chance they’ve been disgusted and quit.

      This isn’t to say we should be complacent. A wounded animal is the most dangerous. But they are wounded, and a few good attacks will end them.

    387 months ago

    But this proposed law does not ban abortion 15 days after ovulation — it bans abortion at 15 days gestation, counted from the first day of a woman’s last menstrual cycle… which means it would ban abortion before some woman have even had conceived.

        27 months ago

        Which also means that you can just go ahead and subtract 2-4 weeks (at least, subtract more if you’re not super regular or your christofascist overlords require a waiting period between an initial consultation and the procedure itself) from any of these laws. So far, i’ve only seen one that uses the “probable fertilization” date instead (but to be honest, idk how they determine that date so there could be some fuckery there too).

    • setVeryLoud(true);
      237 months ago

      That’s the point.

      They want to straight up ban abortions, they know full well this is an impossible time frame.

        • setVeryLoud(true);
          7 months ago

          Be like Quebec, enforce secularism in government and remove religion and spirituality from the equation of law making.

          Secularism is both freedom of religion and freedom from religion. Feel free to not abort your fetus if it’s against your religion, but don’t impose it on others.

    • Maeve
      27 months ago

      Thinking of women who have a cycle after conception.

    287 months ago

    Women are nothing but livestock to these people. There only to make more babies to feed to the capitalist machine. Their god has made women to be property, with no franchise, no rights, no purpose but to be bred and do work beneath them, like raising those babies and cooking and keeping a home for their owners. It makes no difference to them if that woman is their mother, their sister or their daughter.

      67 months ago

      Unfortunately, it looks like 50 percent of the US voting population is on their side. Including a lot of women.

  • @Hellbent
    237 months ago

    I’ve called and left a voicemail for the one of the two bill sponsors. Two don’t have numbers in their gencourt pages and the senators phone goes to an assistants voicemail. You can be damned sure I’m calling my local reps tomorrow.

    • Buglefingers
      17 months ago

      If you do, please please do send me the numbers so I may also do so. This is pretty upsetting news, I don’t even know if I wanna finish my bugles now

    7 months ago

    I’m so angry at these fucks.

    Even if nothing ultimately comes from these bs laws, it wastes so much time and effort. I believe intentionally so. Keep progressives too busy putting out their flaming turd bags to actually make much progress.

    Either way they fycking win while we argue and make jokes and fear for our futures.

    177 months ago

    Weird, the gaslighters kept telling us that Republicans would not steal rights if Roe was repealed.

    Meanwhile, if I take a look around, you have stuff like this, AND Republicans rubbing their hands together in glee thinking about messing with BIRTH CONTROL and LGBT rights as well…

    167 months ago

    To be fair, conservatives don’t understand anything about human reproductive organs.

      47 months ago

      Either it enshrines abortion rights, or Republicans will discover everything so far has been child’s play. They’ll see a backlash that’s record setting.

    127 months ago

    I think the point is to allow contraceptive and day after pills, but ban any sort of actual abortion. I’d guess it’s to address folks who believe birth control is abortion. I’m not sure if this is eyerollingly stupid or part of a devious strategy that’s going somewhere serious.

    To be clear, fuck these idiots, but I want to know if we need to defend against some new avenue of attack.