Looks like May of 2013 is when Google rolled those out.
I have the vaguest of memories that prior to to the change Google did something with tags (maybe they call(ed) them labels?) before they went to the full split inbox in multiple tabs approach, but it’s as equally likely I did that myself using search filters and am misremembering from a decade ago.
I remember being first pretty offended by the split inbox, and disabling it, but keeping it on for my work account. After awhile I turned it back on for my personal account. (Because I was bombarded with marketing and social junk at the time. It was before I ascended to digital hermit-dom.)
Yes. They have always been a part of Gmail. Even back when Gmail was invite only they implemented ads (one of my accounts is from 2004).
They used to be off to the side, not disguised to look like unread emails.
Looks like May of 2013 is when Google rolled those out.
I have the vaguest of memories that prior to to the change Google did something with tags (maybe they call(ed) them labels?) before they went to the full split inbox in multiple tabs approach, but it’s as equally likely I did that myself using search filters and am misremembering from a decade ago.
I remember being first pretty offended by the split inbox, and disabling it, but keeping it on for my work account. After awhile I turned it back on for my personal account. (Because I was bombarded with marketing and social junk at the time. It was before I ascended to digital hermit-dom.)