I’m thinking something like /r/SubredditDrama in Reddit. There’s always some interesting drama in the Fediverse and it would be nice to have some place to compile the info and watch it.

    • @CanadaPlusM
      1 year ago


      We’ve already had one big defederation. I have to think fediverse is going to be even more mod-political than Reddit ever was, since user admins decide everything.

      • tezoatlipocaM
        41 year ago

        For sure. Already seen:

        • beehaw defederating from shit.justworks an lemmy.world
        • the shuttering of mastodon.lol over the Harry Potter game
      • @nachof@feddit.clOP
        31 year ago

        That’s a change that I noticed going from Twitter to Mastodon, and it’s that the drama in the Fediverse is just way more fun to look at, because it’s drama between instances and not drama between people. Like, in Twitter you’d see tons of bullying and people being shitty to other people. In Mastodon (and the rest of the Fediverse) the drama is between instances, and that means less personal stuff (less, not none).