I’m the joker you’re talking about for some reason. I have 3242.7 hours in RL, mostly 3v3, solo queue only. I’ve been stuck in diamond for years at this point. Some rounds I can do anything without thinking, some rounds I backflip on every double jump. I get accused of throwing on purpose a lot, which I have never done, even if the player is a jackass.
I always get the opposite:
You don’t think it’s me, do you? 😂
What a save
I Got it
There are two kinds of gamers. Rage gamers and anxiety gamers.
I’m the joker you’re talking about for some reason. I have 3242.7 hours in RL, mostly 3v3, solo queue only. I’ve been stuck in diamond for years at this point. Some rounds I can do anything without thinking, some rounds I backflip on every double jump. I get accused of throwing on purpose a lot, which I have never done, even if the player is a jackass.