During my entire life (32 years) I used windows and linux machines. Now I bought my first mac book and I would like to know what tools is nice to have to make my work easy.
I am a developer ruby on rails and use vscode, also I use the terminal a lot and the default terminal is not that great. Also I miss notepad++
Any sugestions?
Thank You
Rectangle - for arranging windows
Warp Terminal - a souped up terminal
Maccy - clipboard manager
Homebrew - installing packages
Sublime - notepad++ equivalent
Insomnia - api request manager like Postman
I would suggest vs code over sublime myself.
First thing you need to install is homebrew, the second docker, vs code next.
from that point on try and do everything with docker.
VS Code for me!
Which improvments does Insomnia has over the Postman? Do you know if the license allows comercial use? Thanks.
I found postman using insane amounts of RAM a few times and some of my coworkers had switched and it’s been pretty nice so far. Pretty much the same feature set without being a RAM hog.
I highly recommend people use docker for anything they would use Homebrew for. Homebrew is fragile and breaks often. Obviously I understand the appeal, but it isn’t worth the heartburn.
Why warp? I just downloaded, and when I was immediately prompted to create an account, I just tossed in the trash.
Ah, I came here just to recommend Rectangle! Fantastic open-source app