My top FP colour is purple, so I’d be happy with this.
Fuck Nestlé.
Bunch of water stealing, baby killing bastards
Amazing how people’s morals evaporate when presented with the opportunity to make obscene amounts of money, isn’t it?
Fortunately other brands are available
Purple obviously the best, rickgdavies is pissing in the face of god
We should find him and tell him!
I actually like blackcurrant flavour.
I thought it was universally agreed that blackcurrant is the best?
It is? My sister hates them, which is really my only frame of reference.
Madness. I’ve always heard people dislike the lemon and lime ones the most. I definitely prefer the blackcurrent or strawberry ones, but none of them are that bad :)
I eat them in this order:
- Green
- Yellow
- Orange
- Red
- Purple
Save the best till last.
Agreed, how do you eat a Sunday dinner?
As in a roast dinner? I tend not to have them (I know, right? How did I sneak into here?) but for Christmas dinner and the like I usually plan to work through everything methodically and leave the pigs-in-blankets for last but I do love them so and tend to rush in an nail a load early doors.
WOW! I thought I was the only one who did the sequential colour order… Man, I feel normal finally.
I always assumed everyone did.
That’s the fucking jackpot, rickgdavies, that’s what that is.
The picture looks like a pretty good deal, actually. Maybe one or two more orange ones but I’d be happy with it.
Orange of course
That’s a very confident use of “of course”.
Gimme all the blacks and reds. I think they used to do packa of just them…
They had some in Tesco as recently as a couple of months ago, was brilliant.
Oh this might see the end of my weight loss.
Green gang unite
Gang green?
It’s all about citrus. Greens are best (lime, the best citrus), then yellow (lemon) then orange (orange). Then come the other colours.
I can’t remember the last time I had a fruit pastille
Me neither, they are like dreams taken physical form - the memory fades fast.
Also I have been cutting down on sugar, so it can’t have been in the last 6 months or so.
I tried to upvote that image and realised it’s an image, what kind of bullshit its this?
The odds were not stacked in your favour.