Forgot to post this yesterday. Oops.

    709 months ago

    My parents give out full size candy bars and one little girl this year came up to the porch to get candy and stopped dead in her tracks, gasped softly, and whispered, “They’re big”

    It was adorable. I think this was the first time she’d gotten full size bars for Halloween, based on her reaction.

      209 months ago

      Talking about stardew valley:

      My friend: “who even marries someone just because they gift you sashimi weekly?”

      Me: “I would”

  • RobotsLeftHand
    329 months ago

    I answered a doorbell last night and there was the tiniest little girl I’d ever seen walking. When I opened the door she responded like she just won a million dollars. Couldn’t even form words over the happiness exploding from her glee as she jumped up and down, fists shaking in the air. It was indeed the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.

    I looked up at the father and he was just glowing.

          49 months ago

          We don’t know definitively what causes cancer or we’d be a lot closer to curing it, so assuming everything causes cancer is a good bet.

        • Echo Dot
          49 months ago

          There’s a newspaper in the UK and they seem to think that everything in the universe is divided into things that cause cancer and cure cancer. And they’re on a mission to catalogue all of them.

          The trouble is they’re not very consistent so sometimes in one issue they’ll claim it’ll give you cancer and then six issues later they’ll claim that it cures it. It’s a Murdoch paper so that’s about the level of journalistic integrity that they have.

          They’ve also claimed in the past that water causes cancer, that’s why I don’t take showers.

      • SokathHisEyesOpen
        59 months ago

        Peanut M&Ms are pretty good. I always get a regular sized bag of M&Ms at the airport for like $6. Idk why I like them so much more when sitting on an airplane, but I do, so there.

  • @grysbok
    229 months ago

    I adore the little girl that did a doubletake when she saw I had bananas (and bags of popcorn and gummy candy). She went “O.M.G.” as she took a banana.

    Fruit was surprisingly popular. I ran out of oranges and had to substitute in banana. And I think kids liked the popcorn because it comes in impressively big bags.

    • Flying Squid
      29 months ago

      We give out toys, stickers, jewelry, temporary tattoos, stuff like that. Little cheap things we can buy in bulk. Kids love it. They go crazy over a light-up Halloween ring or a high bounce pumpkin ball and we’re not giving them junk food.