
Welcome to our new home in the Federationiverse. First of all- WOW we did not expect to surpass 300 users on this instance (and over 1K fediverse subscribers) within our first 48 hours and with little promotional effort. We are all excited to see where this long road goes.

Coming from Reddit and confused about Lemmy?

I had some stuff typed out, but honestly, this thread sums it up better. Check it out! It has infographics.

If you’re still stressed out, remember that Lemmy is still new. Yes, it’s ugly, but people said Reddit was ugly too (both are correct). As Lemmy grows, and #Rexxit continues, more tools will get made. Decentralization opens up a lot of possibilities we didn’t have before. The future is bright.

Will other communities be setting up shop besides StarTrek, DaystromInstitute and Risa?

Yes! Eventually. Right now our focus is staying online, fast, and reliable which means keeping things focused while we find our footing. Daystrom, StarTrek and Risa were chosen to start off with because the three of them cover the “srs bsns ↔ shitposting” spread quite well.

If you are part of a community interested in being hosted on, send me a DM and we can try to work something out.

Qapla’! How can I support?

We’ve started a Patreon here: There’s only one plan and it’s just $4. If our growth continues like it has, we’re going to need to upgrade our hosting very soon.

What’s up with the “unencrypted DMs” warning?

Read here

I feel like I’m not seeing everything. What gives?

Lemmy is weird with languages. In your user settings, make sure “Language” is set to both “English” and “Undetermined”. You can select additional languages as well, but they aren’t currently allowed on this server. On desktop, you can use CTRL+click to select both options. This will allow you to see content for which the author has not set a language, and content which has been set to “English”.

This will hopefully be made more clear with future updates.

Thumbnails acting weird/not showing up (for users on another instance)?

Add this exception to your adblocker (replace “” with your instance):


Where can I find official server updates?

Follow us on Mastodon for updates, scheduled maintenance, etc.

Where can I talk with Trekkies about non-Trek stuff?

We’ve just opened a new “offtopic” community, welcome to !, Quarks is fun!

If you have any questions for the team, please don’t hesitate to ask in this thread! 🖖

  • Fwiw, I am very happy to support the patreon but I don’t feel great about it being attached to server perks. For some people $4/mo is nothing at all and for others it is genuinely significant. I don’t want the Star Trek instance of all instances to be rewarding those who can afford to contribute financially.

    • SysAdminOP
      161 year ago

      That’s a good point I hadn’t considered, appreciate the insight. As long as we can pay the bills with what comes in, I suppose for now we’ll just stick with what we’ve got.

      • Hooray, thank you! Fwiw, it is the donations model that is most common in FOSS projects (pay what/if you can) and I think it engenders a better sense of community, and I certainly feel more inclined to pay for something just so support it rather than because of any particular “perks” I might get, which are geeeenerally not really worth the money per se. I also would prefer your time to be spent on the actual server and not on having to integrate the various perks/linking accounts to patreon/etc etc.

        • SysAdminOP
          121 year ago

          The only perk we had in mind thus far was some user flair (whenever that inevitably gets invented). But you make a great point. Still getting used to this egalitarian perspective.

          • TeMPOraL
            1 year ago

            Still getting used to this egalitarian perspective.

            Welcome to the Federation (in both senses)!

            1 year ago

            Maybe we could just reward people with ferengi themed flair for donating on patreon? Then all other types of flair could be kept unrelated to money or ferengis and be rewarded for stuff that doesn’t require money :P

    • techno156
      71 year ago

      Especially if it’s international, 3 credits isn’t the same for everywhere.

    • Nmyownworld
      41 year ago

      lwaxana_katana, great point. I agree with you. It’s something I hadn’t thought about until you mentioned it. I’d rather see time and energy go to making more and more awesome, rather than have something that differentiates the can donate from the can’t donate. Sometimes I have spare quatloos; sometimes I’m searching the couch cushion for quatloos. knows who donates. I think that’s good enough.

      Sorry for not doing your name correctly. I’m still learning and not yet at the how to direct a comment at a particular person part of my learning curve.

  • Matt
    131 year ago

    I’ve joined the Patreon, but I won’t be opening an account on the instance since I’ll be following your communities from my own. Thanks so much!

    • SysAdminOP
      111 year ago

      Counselor, I am happy to read this… and yet I am crying. Perhaps my emotion chip is malfunctioning? (thank you so much🖖)

    131 year ago

    Ooh how exciting! I can’t wait to talk about everything Star Trek related - lightsabers, Death Stars, droids and more!

    (Jk don’t ban me lol)

    111 year ago

    Hey! Just wanted to say thanks to the admins here. I was interested inblemmy but didn’t know where to jump on until I saw the startrek server then I knew I was ready to move along home.


    • SysAdminOP
      51 year ago

      That warms my cold android heart to hear. We set this place exactly for people like you who wanted a good jumping off point. Welcome!

    101 year ago

    For the record, if you want to stay on top of discussion on the front page, make sure you sort by new. I’d argue that should probably be the default for now.

  • Decided to join the exodus and couldn’t think of a better place to land.

    Going to take a bit of time wrapping my head around Lemmy but can’t support Reddit anymore.

    Thanks to everyone who put the effort in to make this so.

  • I’ve also joined the Patreon, appreciate the low flat-rate membership.

    Hopefully, this place can get broad membership, enough to cover the storage etc.

    Based on the first 48 hours, no reason not to dream big.

    • SysAdminOP
      21 year ago

      Thank you for pitching in! Yes we are very optimistic about the future. It’s my hope that can serve as a familiar face and bridge for new users discovering the Fediverse for the first time.

    91 year ago

    Personally I think if you can customize the visuals, you guys should totally go for an LCARS style theme as that would be amazing. Maybe even get the exact typeface for it too.

    91 year ago

    I appreciate the effort. Your actions are directly related to me finally giving lemmy and the fediverse a shot. I offer my support (patreon and whatever) for however long I can.

    Looking forward to exploring this strange new world.

    • SysAdminOP
      41 year ago

      That’s great to hear! 🥲 Thank you.

      Things are a little rocky now but we’re all excited for this decentralized reddit-free future.

      • It feels like things are much worse now than they were even the other day.
        I don’t want this place to die. I don’t want to have to bow down to idiotic dictators for the rest of my life.

        • SysAdminOP
          31 year ago

          Server had some hiccups overnight (it’s based in US) but it’s not dying. We’re investigating but things look stable now. Some of the weirdness is just because Lemmy is still beta software. Keep us posted if you notice any major weirdness.

  • Lockely
    81 year ago

    Tossed a few slips of GPL your way. I’ll be staying on my current instance, but good Trek discussion is a must have.

    1 year ago

    Any chance for a ShittyDaystrom? I don’t want to mod it (I’m a terrible mod) but I sure would love to shitpost there.

    edit: seems like the only active mod on ShittyDaystrom on Reddit has ran a script to edit all their old comments, and Reddit suspended them for it. The sub on Reddit appears to be running fine with no mods. I think it would be a fine candidate for creating a community here, the people in the Reddit sub are happily shitposting Star Trek memes with no active mods at all. If someone who is not a terrible mod, like myself, would like to take it on, I seriously doubt it will be much work.

    • There are some huge fans of shittydaystrom on the team here, we’ll definitely be hosting a community for that eventually. For the moment, we’re worried about fracturing users by creating too many different communities.

      If you have a shittydaystrom appropriate thing you want to post, stick it in /c/Risa. I’ll upvote it.

    61 year ago

    A potentially stupid question so I apologise in advance. Am I right in thinking that this community is sitting on a Lemmy-based server, but it just has an unusual name rather than the typical xxxxx.lemmy/lemmy.xxxxx format?

    • SysAdminOP
      91 year ago

      You are correct. The server runs Linux, and Lemmy is software running on that server. The URL ( points to the server’s IP. There’s no requirement for the URL to be called “Lemmy”, that’s just what a lot of people do. Also I don’t think .Lemmy is an available option, though that would be cool.

    • SysAdminOP
      41 year ago

      We’re aware of the pact and will cross that bridge when (or if) it ever really happens. We’re certainly no fans of Meta (or Reddit,or Twitter). So far it seems more likely to affect Mastodon than Lemmy/Kbin.

      • GummySquirrel
        21 year ago

        Thanks I will keep an eye out for updates. For this user federating with meta would feel like assimilating with the borg.

        • SysAdminOP
          31 year ago

          The “user data” (comments, posts, votes, etc) that would be available to a hypothetical instance owned my Meta is already public for anyone, so not much we have control over there. “Defederating” essentially just means “blanket banning” a bunch of users at once.

          • Agreed that it’s public now - in the case of up/downvoting publication is instance-dependent — and can be scraped, but as a federated instance Meta can just load it directly.

            • SysAdminOP
              41 year ago

              True, but if Meta (or anyone) wanted to “directly” get that data, it would be as trivial as setting up an instance on something as small as a Raspberry Pi and subscribing to a community here. We would have no way of knowing who it is or stopping them. Defederation is a tool to prevent brigading, not lurking.

              If (if) Meta wanted to set a lemmy-style platform, preemptively defederating from it would be a largely symbolic gesture. Doesn’t mean it’s not worth doing, like I said we’ll cross that bridge if and when it becomes relevant.

            • Brett Flippin
              41 year ago

              @StillPaisleyCat Federating only happens through user interactions unless you have agreements between instance hosts IIRC. Not there wouldn’t possibly be a huge amount of Threads users following Mastodon accounts which would then push the Mastodon user’s profile/posts into a federated or “global” feed in Threads. Federation in itself isn’t an all you can eat pass to Fediverse data. Defederation would stop the above example of data sharing though.

              • Brett Flippin
                21 year ago

                @StillPaisleyCat TBH with Threads only having an algorithmic feed I have serious doubts they’ll ever be able to truly “Federate” in any meaningful way beyond being able to tick a checkbox for ActivityPub integration. They aren’t going to want me using a Mastodon client to be able to read their chronological feed and not be served ads.