Public library jerseys will go through the roof!
Fuck that is gold. We need jerseys for public libraries. It doesn’t matter if it makes no sense. It is nearly better if it makes no sense.
The idea of branch rivalries intrigues me greatly
“Our branch banned 37 trans books this season!”
No, these are Librarians. They tend to be against book bannings.
“My branch has 5x the circulation as your branch.”
“Well mine had more story times! We are building up our client base.”
I like to imagine they compete to see who gets the best drag queen for story hour. We could do a draft!
This would be Texas, they would have private libraries, they would name them TRUTHberies, and their logos would all be blatantly racist and vaguely homoerotic.
“Real Men Ride Bareback at Loving County TRUTHbrary”
the horse on the logo is inexplicably drawn with blackface
Bareback Mountain County Truthbrary
What would the mascots be? We need Last Week Tonight and Japan on this question! I guarantee they can shit out enough book/library themed mascots we won’t need to reuse even one!
Tax the rich, especially media companies, and fund libraries.
Please lets not bring TS here. FFS every single news is about her! She doesn’t seem like a bad.person and I can’t stand looking at her anymore
She doesn’t seem like a bad person
I would just like to point out that she’s almost a billionaire, in order to spread awareness.
And whose music career was nearly exclusively the product of nepotism through her multimillionaire music executive father.
Oh Jesus christ, are you really that far gone?
She’s where she is now largely because of talent and hard work, who cares if her parents were wealthy?
Get over it.
Stanning anyone in 2023 is silly. Parasocial relationships aren’t healthy.
I don’t even listen to her music, I’m just sick of hearing people whingeing.
Sounds like you’re too dense to understand why billionaires are a fucking problem
She’s not a billionaire.
Is this copypasta?
I listen to a lot of music. And I hear musicians that are objectively more talented than her, both instrumentally, and vocally. Not just writing, but producing and performing their own music, yet they do not make millions upon millions of dollars because they didn’t have a rich daddy.
She cornered a demographic, with technically simple and catchy music, then with the help of her rich parents utilized her nepotism to get her career going.
She’s the fast food of pop music. I’m sure as an individual she’s okay. But she is NOT where she is today because of her talent alone.
She’s the fast food of pop music.
There’s a good reason fast food is so popular.
Her talent is in marketing/making money through music. Artistically, she hasn’t risked going half a millimeter from the mainstream. Were she as talented as her (loud! Jesus, we already know you like her) fans think, she would be creating new forms of art unknown to humanity. She just found a group of people over the internet and a way to influence them to milk them for money with 27 million versions of the same album and merch.
It doesn’t hurt being ultra WASPy and the daughter of the super well connected, super wealthy vice president of Merrill Lynch who basically harassed other people and companies into giving TS a space.
You come across as a very bitter person, to be honest.
This is true, and apparently she had a spat with New Jersey(? I may have the wrong east coast state), as she bought a house thinking it had a private beach, when it was a public beach, but that’s the worst thing I’ve heard her do. IIRC she ended up apologizing for the misunderstanding.
I’ll admit I know next to nothing about her. She seems to be doing better than most at not having dragon sickness cause her to turn into a shitty person though.
“Nooo! She just wanted to rerelease all of her old music with gimmicks so that she could get HER versions out there!” /s
Translated: “Now that the innately talentless Swift has all the time and resources in the world to be trained how to write music, a decade into her career, she is rewriting all of her hits that were written by professional songwriters.”
tbf it is her music
So? She’s one of the most successful musicians in history, of course she’s got some cash.
I just fundamentally disagree with anyone that wealthy. They should be doing good things with that money, not hoarding it
Do you know for sure she doesn’t?
Yes, because she has a net worth of $800 million…
Ah yes, the “give all your money away” parable.
Look, I don’t really care for Taylor Swift, but I can still say for a fact that she’s not entitled to give that money away. I know a ton of people are about to shit on me but it is the damned truth. If it were someone like Jeff Bezos or Tim cook, yeah they should do something with that money because they obtained it through fucking over numerous people. She solely got it through her music, and nothing else.
Would I personally do something charitable with a large chunk of the money? Hell yes, but then again, she isn’t me, and there is nothing wrong with that.
Of course she’s not entitled to do so, no one is.
She could be giving a large chunk of money to charity and still be worth that, for all you know.
Look I know nothing about her, bu the fact that she is a billionaire sais nothing to me. People are throwing money at her like she was a wishing fountain. I think she would be one if she wanted or not
I agree, typescript is way overrated
I was scared to bring this up. Thank you! Hero.
Straight up
I mean she is kinda hot though NGL, but I can’t stand seeing her NAME anymore.
Why was it his game? He playing alone?
I think that’s the foosball player she’s dating, but don’t quote me. I don’t watch sportsball
He doesn’t play foosball silly
He plays foccer
As I said, I don’t pay attention to sportsball
Who cares, if I wanted celebrity drivel I’d use Instagram.
How do you not understand that this is about libraries, not celebrities?
I don’t see any libraries
Someone post a photograph of this guy in a library.
Removed by mod
How do you not understand that this is not about this fuckin guy.
He’s not our guy, buddy!
I am jealous of the foot ball man please remove him thank you
They’re outside.
it’s about Taylor Swift and Pop Culture Bad. if you can’t see that, maybe you should spend more time in a library
But… . that is… that was literally the point of the post? You’re just redoing the post in a more bitter and angry way.
Like idk what app you should be using, but maybe this isn’t the one either. Chill.
You sound angrier than me…
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“There’s an AI for that.” 😅
I initially read “photoshop” instead of “photograph.” I guess my brain thought that was a more likely title/occurrence
No no no. Wait until after she gets the younger generations to vote the monsters out!!
Getting them to read will help with that too.
Travis Kelce is some kinda fine though for real
I think you just like the uniform.
When did she become so famous? Why do people care?
Hello fellow old person, welcome to old age. Please feel free to shake your fist and mutter at things as often as you like.
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She’s an extremely talented singer and songwriter, that’s how.
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No, she’s really not that talented, she’s famous because her dad was rich.
You couldn’t make this shit up.
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So are lots of people
What, exactly, is your point?
So are lots of points
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So are lots of lots
In my day lots were lots, but these days it seems as though any amount is automatically lots
That they didn’t answer the question
She can even save canada
Why do you want more people to visit their public library, aren’t fentanyl overdoses high enough as is?
Public libraries are one of the greatest assets the U.S. has. They don’t just provide 100% free books, movies and music, both in the library and streaming along with free and usually unrestricted internet, meeting rooms and places for children to go, they also have all sorts of other services. My local library has 3D printers free for use. They have kits you can take out like musical instruments to learn to play. A new branch is opening and they will have a sign-up sheet for one person at a time to use a free shower and washer/dryer.
But sure, it’s all homeless people using fentanyl. You’re exactly the sort of person who came to library board meetings to object to the shower and washer/dryer because it will encourage “them.”
Back to your cave, NIMBY-ist.
Are there some boots you need to lick somewhere?