It’s technocrit, I have them tagged as smagbrained troglodyte for a reason
It’s technocrit, I have them tagged as smagbrained troglodyte for a reason
Ah yes, I guess I should have provided the caveat of ‘Go fight for yourselves if that’s something you want so badly.’ but I guess I didn’t do a good enough job of making my point.
What you’re saying directly challenges their worldviews and forces them to come to grips that they had a part to play in what’s happening today.
This is where the people downvoting you experienced cognitive dissonance and decided to double down. That’s how I’m reading this, anyway.
I’m not reveling in violence, I’m reveling in justice. He deserves to suffer for what he’s done.
He was named for the leader of the society on Mars in that book.
Let’s not do their work for them, Musk is a nazi.
Huh?? You’ll be paying those same prices as a result of their actions, your suggestion is to completely stop interacting?
These people aren’t computers, they’re stupid - they take a very long time to process things like abstract concepts. If we, like all of us living in the U.S., don’t figure out how to communicate to them the truth you might as well just get a gun and start shooting people - because that’s where this is heading.
Have you never seen something get closer to a camera?
Yeah I just don’t care, I think I can count on one hand the amount of comics I can relate to from this person - I’ll just leave it at it’s not for me
She is quite literally smaller than the chair, but whatever - idc at this point
40 fucking years of actively supporting the destruction of the United States and you feel pity for him?
God, when you ask yourself why this is happening - it’s this. Blind empathy has been the 1%s greatest tool. I will not feel an ounce of sympathy nor empathy for this fucking ghoul, I hope he lives every single moment of the rest of his life in agonizing pain - it still isn’t enough. 40 fucking years.
Yep, there are no circumstances in which an adult will be eating with a child for the first time (older than a 6 year old).
None, they don’t exist! Adoption doesn’t exist, orphans don’t exist, there are quite literally no circumstances in which this can be a child.
I’m not attempting to bad mouth you, I mean what I say, if someone thinks someone is spouting bullshit - they should be allowed to call them out.
However, and this is where my problem is, no one seems to be reading what you’re actually writing. It seems like you’re being brigaded, which is wrong. The downvote button is not an “I dislike this” button, it is an “I don’t think this contributed to the discussion” button.
I have never eaten with an adult that is so messy that spaghetti is thrown across the table, no. I have eaten with children that messy, though.
Look at the chairs, the chair practically dwarfs her.
Not to mention, why would an adult eat like they’ve forgotten where their mouth is?
Ya’ll can downvote me, you’re wrong.
No, if there’s too hard of a push to get users then lemmy earns itself a bigger gun behind the crosshairs that are already aimed it (by platforms like Reddit).
If we have any hope of growing Lemmy into what it can eventually be, we need the growth to be gradual. As painstaking and aggravating as that might be.
Pretty sure that’s a kid, not sure if you should be looking at your kids in green and red flags.
Fair enough, I’ll retract my snap judgement.
Witch hunts are definitely not the path we want to take, guys. Let people call each other out on their bullshit, but don’t dogpile on someone because you read the select keywords you’ve been trained to think against.
Weak bladders beware, with this one trick you will wake up early. Not the way you want.
Makes me think a solid misinformation strategy would be to doctor real photos to look like they’re AI generated.